David's Saved Artworks

Avatar for David K





Oct 27, 2024

Image for Perpetual SummerImage for It Takes III to Go ForwardImage for AugustImage for Chopping BlockImage for Hanky-PankyImage for Late on NYEImage for Preparing for DinnerImage for Only YouImage for In the News TodayImage for JupiterImage for Still is Where I’ll BeImage for La Misma PaginaImage for What It Takes to Get Back UpImage for Meet me at the motelImage for Ardour GustImage for Over the RainbowImage for Art History PinupsImage for 1999 / A Search for Meaning and the Death of DiscoveryImage for Somethings burningImage for Via Loop LaneImage for Sit on the Fence ( Em Cima do Muro)Image for Secret Artwork 469Image for DuskImage for MorningImage for Cristine in the WindowImage for Lower Rock CreekImage for ParadiseImage for Emser TileImage for Bixby Creek BridgeImage for AlessiImage for Teatro del MondoImage for Face dishImage for Be SeenImage for Bear WitnessImage for Mr. NannerImage for Happy DogImage for Vivid ConstellationsImage for Claire Blue llImage for Light me up Very Blue (if you must)Image for man.u.fac.ture (4/10)Image for man.u.fac.ture (5/10)Image for man.u.fac.ture (6/10)Image for man.u.fac.ture (7/10)Image for You&me at 6.50PMImage for SunlightImage for Crystal LotusImage for Walk In LightImage for Noisy cocoonImage for Pandora’s BoxImage for VasoImage for SnatchedImage for DreamingImage for Black Flies and TrilliumsImage for PeoniesImage for Fly birdie, fly!Image for ship in the skyImage for Bird's-eye view at 10.15 AMImage for A Parade for HarrietImage for Ooze 2024Image for Golden Pixels: Daffodil SerenadeImage for Crystal Tulips: Aquatic DreamImage for Depressed cloudsImage for Complementary still-lifeImage for Yellow Zone, On the Floor 1Image for Yellow Zone, WrestlersImage for Yellow Zone, On the EdgeImage for Whispering StrandsImage for WildImage for Slick Woods 2024Image for Art schoolImage for CinderellaImage for Catching WindImage for PMFS101Image for BDBLWOSImage for RBCD8Image for BLBMDAC2Image for MBLO211Image for CSVPYP006Image for GOGCMGCGImage for PLIFBSLPImage for MLPSBFPFOImage for Hanky-Panky (study)Image for Falling Back into You (Red Pepper Slow Drip Coffee)Image for September (and Left Overs)Image for Not a Peach, but a PartImage for Messy, Oh Mon Dieu!Image for YBGBG4LImage for MRGTSMLRImage for ROYGBGBWPTVImage for BLSW20Image for TLTBG21SImage for YGBGGFCMImage for CFBSBGImage for CFBOYGGImage for CFBB101GSGImage for Palomilla (study)Image for No Bad Feelings (Just all the Feeling)Image for Through (Dandelions)Image for TouchingImage for SoftlyImage for BraidingImage for Portrait After BabieImage for Organized ChaosImage for EmnityImage for Cascading DaisiesImage for Full BenderImage for Bus ParkingImage for Uncle Bo’sImage for Kakhu SuperetteImage for Tower of PowerImage for EntropyImage for You&me at 8.25AMImage for You&me at 8.26AMImage for Going GreyImage for XXL Landscape at 7.23PMImage for COSMIC JUSTICEImage for Cracked JuniorImage for King LizardImage for CommunityImage for Judged by 12?Image for Judged by 12Image for GarudaImage for You&me at 10.25 AMImage for AkashaImage for Sliding Glass DoorImage for It Required Some Heavy LiftingImage for ComebackImage for SlavimoImage for CelebrationImage for On Top of the worldImage for Is This It? Limited Edition PrintImage for Comfort in the ClutterImage for Easier Than We ThoughtImage for Start Where You AreImage for MasqueradeImage for A Shell Of My Former SelfImage for First SwimImage for PauseImage for more poolstuffImage for Refresh 1Image for Refresh 2Image for “Untitled”Image for ReggieImage for MirrorsImage for Blue face - close your eyesImage for ElevatingImage for How Soon Is Now?Image for BLOOMS OF AFFECTIONImage for Leap of FaithImage for Summer FruitImage for DragonfliesImage for ScoubidouImage for GaspésieImage for I Want to BelieveImage for Hemmed in // To Decorate TimeImage for 1997Image for In My YouthImage for Swinging With My Eyes ClosedImage for Pool at 3PMImage for Pool at 9PMImage for Alien PortraitImage for Upstream from the Muddy RiverImage for Push Through ItImage for Taste of SpringImage for Mingo PointImage for Early LightImage for Organized chaosImage for 2010Image for 2017Image for Bar TimeImage for 1890Image for MobileImage for Mobile 4Image for Aelfgyva, The Mysterious Lady of the Bayeux TapestryImage for Grito de Alma (The scream of the soul)Image for Ser diferente (Be diferent)Image for Uma tarde de Verão (A summer afternoon)Image for ANTIGUA LANDSCAPEImage for ANTIGUA LANDSCAPEImage for Five FishImage for It ain’t necessarily so!Image for HamptonsImage for Courte (Court)Image for Bar de Praia (Beach bar)Image for A mansão (The mansion)Image for See through meImage for Flux #13Image for Logs from the Wild Pacific Coast, British Columbia - Page IIImage for Flux #12Image for Logs from the Wild Pacific Coast, British Columbia - Page IIIImage for Logs from the Wild Pacific Coast, British Columbia - Page IImage for Experiments on paper 01Image for Tryst with DestinyImage for The Pennywhistle BandImage for The TeacherImage for UntitledImage for ReturnImage for House No. 3Image for Lámina XVIImage for Lámina XIImage for HOWLImage for Limp wristedImage for HoneypotImage for Twinkle eyesImage for False troubleImage for QuintusImage for Pillow With Step LadderImage for Dimensional TidesImage for treet Art Odyssey - triptychImage for You&me that dayImage for Teacher IIImage for les garçons noirs sont des fleurs IVImage for The Birth of a New Venus IImage for Ambiance IIIImage for Ambiance IIImage for Atfaal al QamaarImage for ReileybenwillwillbenreileyImage for heart (cinnamon)Image for heart (drops)Image for Ambiance IImage for The Birth of a New Venus IIImage for les garçons noirs sont des fleurs IIIImage for Things we have lostImage for The StepsImage for LoversImage for les garçons noirs sont des fleurs IImage for SONGS 4 UImage for Experiencing Tranquility IIIIImage for Beaux et BellesImage for For the Love of CultureImage for Experiencing Tranquility IIImage for Experiencing Tranquility IImage for Everything Is Love ?Image for With LoveImage for Jardin de mon coeurImage for les garçons noirs sont des fleurs IIImage for Experiencing Tranquility IIIImage for Love ThyselfImage for The Birth of a New Venus IIIImage for BlissImage for RêverieImage for JESSEImage for PHILLIPImage for Bleeding HeartImage for DAVIDImage for CHRISTOPHERImage for AFFAImage for CRLLLImage for LINDAImage for ZERO DOUBTImage for SunriseImage for Ready PatchImage for Monitor, Memento MoriImage for KrazyImage for “Untitled”Image for Red-eye, VImage for GlimmerImage for HeartbeatImage for Gold MedImage for Path of CalamitiesImage for Flying ButtressesImage for Shadow (3-24)Image for Ghost StoryImage for ORImage for Monitor, MailImage for Box With CatImage for Experiments on paper 02Image for Gold CrownsImage for Into the voidImage for CharlevoixImage for frog + rabbitImage for All Our SisterImage for OmImage for CamelliaImage for KalmiaImage for Some places, we can’t goImage for Some places, we can’t go (V)Image for Gravity that binds IVImage for Gravity that binds XImage for Summer MorningsImage for ScarecrowImage for Bush TrapImage for Scam ArtistImage for Lemonade StandImage for Breakwater
Image for ForestImage for FernsImage for Conflicting Agendas IIIImage for Experiments on paper 03Image for Lover (study)Image for Figure studyImage for Mountain (study)Image for Between Nowhere and SomewhereImage for I Feel Pretty!Image for Experiments on paper 04Image for House No.7Image for Lost (6-24)Image for Blue, in the GardenImage for Clouds of Green, Cracks of GoldImage for Viridescence in Reverie (Surrounded and Untroubled)Image for CamoImage for Room with a viewImage for Experiments on paper 05Image for Curious KidsImage for Garden CakeImage for C’est la fêteImage for Radiant BloomImage for Sacred HeartImage for Sunflower SymphonyImage for “Untitled” (one of a 4 from the “Madmen” TV seriesImage for Baggage areaImage for Coastal MemoryImage for Myrtle BeachImage for UntitledImage for Gravity that binds IIImage for HOLD ME UPImage for Can’t seem to make you mineImage for Fuego solitario IIImage for The killing moonImage for Home SickImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Vista IImage for Vista IIImage for Vista IIIImage for Old Rag BridgeImage for LandscapeImage for Dream EchoesImage for Mind SyncImage for PapillonImage for ShakaImage for Caught in betweenImage for Three lettersImage for WorshipImage for MenelikImage for Hate and loveImage for BudweiserImage for Sarah, Somewhere (Buried and Rooted)Image for Music RoomImage for The jumpImage for Azadi 6Image for OdysseyImage for Tamannah (desire) 3Image for HolyImage for Paisley 1Image for Paisley 2Image for Cisma I-24Image for Cisma II-24Image for Cisma III-24Image for MORNING COFFEE SMELLSImage for LUNCHTIME CHATTERImage for SUPPER FOR SUNSImage for The Lover: Mercedes de AcostaImage for Into the distanceImage for Circus: Hommage à ValadonImage for parrotpaintingImage for For the Love of ClaudeImage for One Who is Legion: Natalie BarneyImage for Life-1Image for Life-2Image for Life-3Image for Anxious MelodyImage for After MidnightImage for ParadiseImage for Look Out!Image for This wayImage for HarlemImage for The BodyImage for InteriorImage for Garden Abstract IImage for Life-4Image for Life-5Image for Life-6Image for I just want grillzImage for “Phantom Moon”Image for SBGPMVUOImage for CBLLBOWImage for SLCPSOROImage for VCCSCRSWImage for When you look into the abyssImage for Iceberg shadowImage for Arctic sea and skyImage for Ice meltImage for Pied de vent, Kogluktualuk, Tree River, nunavutImage for Green AppleImage for Celestial Orbit WrongedImage for ShellImage for Star AniseImage for El OjoImage for WitchImage for Coming of AgeImage for OrderedImage for Fall AwayImage for Midday GreenwoodImage for InterplanetaryImage for ShadeImage for He Said I Was PrettyImage for New BeginningsImage for Strang Traces 异踪Image for Fossil 3023Image for Pool at 6.20PMImage for Tradescantia NanoukImage for Philadendron (Pink Princess)Image for White Tulip (in York City Gardens)Image for Circa YouthImage for Grace/resultImage for The HeroImage for The OneImage for The MaidenImage for The MotherImage for FeuraImage for What’s on your mindImage for Broken but perpetually fallingImage for ShiftsImage for raccoon and giraffesImage for MazeImage for Vogue vogueImage for ShimmerImage for PathwayImage for JunctionImage for SummertimeImage for Springtime MagicImage for Till we Dance AgainImage for Truly AliveImage for Even if they say noImage for With all my LoveImage for Tell me you won't forget meImage for Oh It is so fineImage for Wandering the West Fjords, IcelandImage for When colors mingleImage for Dancing Amongst the WildflowersImage for Everything's in the MomentImage for My blue journeyImage for Experiencing an Altered RealityImage for Let the Magic HappenImage for Me and My Box of Crayon ConfettiImage for Self ReflectionImage for Enamored LusterImage for Into the ShadowsImage for I’ll be waiting at poolImage for the eggs are safeImage for Blueberry Raspberry LemonadeImage for Nervous Cardiac-Digestive SystemImage for Morning LightImage for Waves of EmotionsImage for Where the Wildflowers RoamImage for FirebirdImage for Girl in BlueImage for Girl in Pink & BlueImage for The Shell CollectorImage for Girl with Bun looking upImage for Woman with Black HairImage for Girl with PonytailImage for Swimsuit EditionImage for Voile (Dusk Pink)Image for Memento Mori with GoldImage for Aesthetic trash #2Image for Artist’s HandsImage for Man with Curly Hair and BeardImage for The Moment When # 3Image for Fiumicino CoastImage for Have you seen her!!Image for PhantasmaImage for Where the Sunlight Shines 1Image for HomecomingImage for The in Between Moments 2Image for Where the Sunlight Shines 2Image for The in Between Moments 1Image for Spring MemoriesImage for Midnight SkiesImage for ReleaseImage for Have no FearImage for Before RainImage for Howl SketchImage for HowlImage for Starry EyesImage for Way To The SeaImage for Night Drive, VImage for The people are the fire of the revolutionImage for Harmony in chaosImage for The box where dreams are incarcerated (white cube)Image for PapillonImage for NamasteImage for Blood for our dreamsImage for PegasusImage for Summer BreezeImage for Pool at noonImage for A Collison of EnergyImage for A Moment AgoImage for In the darkest night, help us the smartphone flashlightImage for Aesthetic trash #3Image for Small PeonyImage for View from Ruckle.Image for Exercise of styleImage for PortraitImage for UntitledImage for OystersImage for BuffaloImage for Hey baby!Image for Shapes of SeaImage for Come to the garden with me!!Image for Blindspots of dreamsImage for Starting OverImage for Obscurer VIIImage for CthonicImage for Fever DreamImage for A WastelandImage for Follow Your HeartImage for Don’t Forget the Ice!Image for Woman with FoxImage for On top of the worldImage for HealingImage for From the Ground upImage for ProphecyImage for A GoddessImage for Keeping Vigil 1Image for White Light, North CornwallImage for Keeping Vigil 2Image for Snow nightImage for 14 - 24Image for & AgainImage for Untitled (Ghanaian Boys Study)Image for Teapot with Missing HandleImage for Study (untitled)Image for Secret Artwork 639Image for Flower PowerImage for IgnobleImage for Martini and ShrimpImage for CandyImage for Double StarImage for watersideImage for Innerscape No.34Image for The SkinnyImage for Late AfternoonImage for Games at TwilightImage for This kitchen is for dancingImage for In a roomImage for Pensive in ParisImage for DrinkImage for Flower Fence 22 (#1)Image for Blue CurtainImage for Sur la mini route du guesthouse, KunigamiImage for Sometimes I wish that I had missedImage for Eastern MihrabImage for Valley of the QueensImage for WindlessImage for Rabbit TreeImage for Bright TailImage for FrutecerImage for The Rightful Heir to the Centenarian Golden PineappleImage for Our Mystical, Magical GruelImage for Tail LiftImage for A Map I Could Follow IImage for “Here is There”Image for Look What I CaughtImage for You Were Bigger Than the SkyImage for Haze(1)Image for Ziggy & ZinniasImage for PainterImage for Soul Energy no. 01Image for Blue LobsterImage for You&me at 1.15PMImage for Holy llImage for The ComposerImage for Lion's RoarImage for Follow If You CanImage for Madagascar