
Mixed Media


100.0 x 100.0 cm

Year Created



“Judged by 12” is deeply inspired by the experiences of Black women artists in a male-dominated industry. This painting reflects the often disproportionate judgment these women face compared to their male counterparts. The central figure, a Black...

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Image for CelebrationImage for On Top of the worldImage for Judged by 12?

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 2003 in Kumasi - Ejisu Road, Ejisu, Ghana. Currently residing in Rugby, UK.

May 16, 2024


Selected Press
May 19, 2024

MagazineAșę featured artist

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Avatar for Kelvin Frimpong

$480 USD - Ask

@kelvin_frimpong on May 16, 10:34pm UTC
Avatar for Kelvin Frimpong

$400 USD - Ask

@kelvin_frimpong on May 17, 7:02am UTC
Avatar for Kelvin Frimpong

$350 USD - Ask

@kelvin_frimpong on May 17, 8:39am UTC
Avatar for Kelvin Frimpong

$300 USD - Ask

@kelvin_frimpong on June 16, 4:02pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Kelvin Frimpong
Kelvin Frimpong

May 16, 2024