Avatar for Clement Mohale

Clement Mohale


My work intend to provoke thoughts and emotions that will inherently results in humans asking questions.








Biography Clement Mohale (b.1994) is a South African contemporary artist born at Bela-Bela in Limpopo and has been passionate about art from childhood. He had the honor to be mentored by the late Ernest Ditshego at The African Art Center, where h...

Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1994 in Street 11th Street, Bela-Bela, South Africa. Currently residing in Pretoria, South Africa.

2021 · Contemporary Art Practice (CAP)

Certificate of Completion. I received the certificate of completion for the Contemporary Art Practice program where I learned the basic principles of art and this program was facilitated by Prof Elfriede Dreyer. The program was an initiative by the Presidentisl Employees Stimulus Program (PESP) to help run artists development programs during the dread covid-19 pandemic period.

2021 · Artist Proof Studios (APS)

Certificate of Completion. I received the certificate of achievement for successful Printmaking Programme. I was studying printmaking at Artist Proof Studio where I learn the basics of printmaking techniques and however this has influenced my incorporation of traditional method of painting with Printmaking in my work.

Solo Exhibitions
Oct 13, 2020 - Oct 31, 2024

'The creative adult is the one who survived '

Group Exhibitions
Oct 13, 2020 - Oct 31, 2024

'The creative adult is the one who survived '

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