
Mixed Media


76.0 x 76.0 cm

Year Created



A very layered work on board with canvas, acrylic, mediums and paper. The painting reveals itself through the use of colour and geometric forms and patterns. Some areas are covered while others are left exposed to reveal the surface tensions …a ...

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1963 in Toronto. Currently residing in Dundas,Ontario.

1989 · Queens University

Bachelor of Education

1986 · McMaster University

Honors Bachelor of Art and Art History

Solo Exhibitions
Nov 8, 2024 - Dec 21, 2024

Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts

Group Exhibitions
Nov 8, 2024 - Dec 21, 2024

Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts

Offers & History

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Avatar for Janice Kovar

$650 USD - Ask

@janice_kovar on July 16 2024, 5:52pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Janice Kovar
Janice Kovar

Jul 16, 2024