Jorge's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Jorge Palma





Sep 1, 2024

Image for Effluorescent Shadow WorkImage for Iconic StampImage for The City XXIXImage for The City XXXImage for RomaImage for Gathering LightImage for Collective EffortImage for Bring Your LightImage for The only way is through.Image for Gathering GlowImage for Art CollectorImage for extended pool lifeImage for No WorldImage for Incline TowardImage for Esercizio maniImage for Three StarsImage for man.u.fac.ture (5/10)Image for man.u.fac.ture (6/10)Image for man.u.fac.ture (7/10)Image for Whispering StrandsImage for GOGCMGCGImage for YBGBG4LImage for MRGTSMLRImage for ROYGBGBWPTVImage for BLSW20Image for TLTBG21SImage for YGBGGFCMImage for CFBSBGImage for CFBOYGGImage for ScoubidouImage for GaspésieImage for Ser diferente (Be diferent)Image for See through meImage for Everything Is Love ?Image for ORImage for Into the voidImage for OmImage for UntitledImage for Old Rag BridgeImage for Three lettersImage for Azadi 6Image for parrotpaintingImage for This wayImage for HarlemImage for Bearded IbexImage for SLCPSOROImage for When you look into the abyssImage for Celestial Orbit WrongedImage for OnlineImage for KeyholeImage for ShiftsImage for MazeImage for PathwayImage for JunctionImage for Girl in Pink & BlueImage for Girl with Bun looking upImage for The box where dreams are incarcerated (white cube)Image for Body revolvementImage for In the darkest night, help us the smartphone flashlightImage for Cross CountryImage for There you goImage for TestImage for ThisImage for Not thisImage for BuffaloImage for Hey baby!Image for Starting OverImage for Obscurer VIIImage for CthonicImage for A CrisisImage for Fever DreamImage for A WastelandImage for From the Ground upImage for A GoddessImage for Keeping Vigil 1Image for Keeping Vigil 2Image for 14 - 24Image for SurfImage for Spineless brainyImage for BalanceImage for A dead fly on the wallImage for PosadaImage for DalmatasImage for FactoryImage for WarspillImage for The Garrulous Use Of A Young BodyImage for Nuit ObscureImage for SisyphusImage for Trying Your LuckImage for ExplorationImage for Passing ThroughImage for Chaos HarmonyImage for Organized chaosImage for Prada VillainsImage for Timeless ReverieImage for PuntImage for Devil May Care About EveImage for LinusImage for Rogue WarfareImage for MindscapeImage for ChinaberryImage for UntitledImage for Sunbather's DreamImage for Picnic at the ZooImage for Shades of Inner ComplexityImage for MutedImage for Teal ShadowsImage for Midnight BathImage for Partially HiddenImage for IndifferentImage for 3 muskitieretImage for First PetImage for Swimming LessonsImage for Planned ObsolescenceImage for Sherbet Float
Image for Everybody in the PoolImage for In The MomentImage for Stand UpImage for GRAFFITI DREAMSCAPEImage for Untitled AssemblageImage for Fox 004Image for Crystal Palace IImage for OdysseyImage for My cup of teaImage for Know One Knows, Let’s Find OutImage for The Way HomeImage for Crosswalk MirageImage for Unknown Stranger #3Image for I’m SeriousImage for TransmissionsImage for DOPAMINEImage for On the StreetsImage for ElectricImage for Doorway PunkImage for Very very small animalsImage for ABSTRACT HARMONYImage for 14 - 18 ( 9)Image for I AmImage for Can You see MeImage for Over Painted (Diptych)Image for S/itImage for Le K 2 Narcisse (A)Image for Just a SplashImage for Harmony withinImage for Listen to your passionsImage for ImagineImage for Forget the densityImage for wildImage for Veiled IllusionImage for Year End ReviewImage for The chosen onesImage for Middle of The RoadImage for Asian Girl in blueImage for Blue scratched PersonImage for Woman in lightred BackgroundImage for Girl with Dot in ProfileImage for Boy with orange BackgroundImage for Girl in ShadowsImage for Kana ColoredImage for Barbered Wire Punk GirlImage for Pink Girl on blue BackgroundImage for Girl in orange DressImage for Girl with blue HairImage for Woman in teal BackgroundImage for Woman in unpainted DressImage for Girl with pink HairstrandsImage for Secret DreamlandImage for Dare to riskImage for Secret EnergyImage for Show meImage for Look at the power of loveImage for Imagine a world full of loveImage for Connect with meImage for Purple RainImage for Space History at SmithsonianImage for The End of the DayImage for LandslideImage for Unwritten FateImage for Bury my heart at wounded kneeImage for Shine OnImage for RecombineImage for Remnant MessageImage for Scrap Yard 1Image for Scrap Yard 2Image for Scrap Yard 3Image for Scrap Yard 4Image for Scrap Yard 5Image for The Deal is Off, Sucker!Image for VIVID ORBITAL RAINBOWImage for ABSTRACT FLOWER SYMPHONYImage for MedusaImage for FireImage for Judith Slaying HolofernesImage for ProserpinaImage for My Inner TempleImage for In pink state of mindImage for Rain in KL 2Image for Rain in KL 03Image for After party  TableImage for City Street NightImage for The BeachImage for BERLIN_21_04Image for BERLIN_23_01Image for The roadImage for CHROMATIC CASCADE SYMPHONYImage for Guardian of ShadowsImage for ENERGETIC STRIPESCAPEImage for While listening to the windImage for Nothing ever stays the sameImage for UntitledImage for Winter. Dusk. Park.Image for Rain in KL 01Image for HONG_KONG_24_02Image for Kiss First, Talk LaterImage for UntitledImage for VIBRANT ABSTRACT EUPHORIAImage for COLOR CASCADE PLAYGROUNDImage for All you want to beImage for MusaImage for Prayer XXIIIImage for Classic artImage for COLORFUL CASCADE SYMPHONYImage for When I DanceImage for Sheet AImage for All you want to be 2Image for I’m no Teddy BearImage for INK AND COLOR DANCEImage for This kitchen is for dancingImage for Look What I CaughtImage for Soul Energy no. 01