Pamela's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Pamela Olson





Feb 9, 2024

Image for Untitled 16 (Safranal)Image for VesselImage for SpiderlingImage for FourImage for MeddleImage for TE TRAJE FLORESImage for Flower PickersImage for Rotadora 360Image for 3 eggsImage for Curling SmokeImage for Bonds that BindImage for Me Plus a Mother, Divided by the Spirit Could be a ManImage for Give Her FlowersImage for Don’t Look DownImage for Summer SpritzImage for Black SunflowerImage for EdgelandImage for It was a Calamity made by a Collapse of a Cats CradleImage for Portrait of a CactusImage for JupiterImage for Small Cloud and TreesImage for Jealous TendenciesImage for In Sickness and In HealthImage for Girls With PlantsImage for Floral MeetingImage for The Mind’s EyeImage for Reverie IIImage for CardoImage for On the HorseImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for UntitledImage for Verbier Mountain LandscapeImage for Tide Circle StudyImage for Dear Pablo, You Can't Always Get What You Want, You Get What You NeedImage for PalimpsestImage for Ducks in TimeImage for Blue StudyImage for Rembrandt WeepingImage for UntitledImage for No Title: 2309257Image for UntitledImage for Barnard, Vermont, December 2017Image for UntitledImage for Le Spectre RécapitulatifImage for Hollywood MasterpieceImage for RaiseImage for TaxonomyImage for Solitary Bride ProcessionImage for Pura VidaImage for Fruit saladImage for Entangled BloomImage for View From a CaveImage for Flamed and FlickeredImage for Forever and Ever (Green)Image for #705Image for Feria de Julio 01Image for Marion, sur le rêveImage for Cave TimeImage for Untitled (ogive I)Image for Green Error Complex 5Image for Spanish LoversImage for KryptonightImage for Res ExtensaImage for Pink LadyImage for Two snails (relief)Image for IPAOC 0231Image for IPAOC 0179Image for Forest Study IIImage for NymphImage for “Young Lady Sleeping on Sofa Under Weighted Blanket”Image for Rainbow LynxImage for Family PortraitImage for man at windowImage for “Young Lady Sleeping on Sofa Under Weighted Blanket”Image for Late Last WinterImage for “Shower Scene”Image for No Unit of MeasurementImage for Miss Karen Elson 2Image for Miss Karen ElsonImage for Self-portrait Study #1Image for Suzanne Valadon’s MontmartreImage for The Crossroads of LifeImage for OmidImage for ButterfliesImage for Lac MassawippiImage for Zebra clusterImage for Big Gnarly FirImage for My Rifle, My Pony and MeImage for 07. South of ItalyImage for 06. White Rose mallow HibiscusImage for 15. Pepsi ChildhoodImage for UntitledImage for The ChaosImage for 08. Embers In The WaterImage for 09. holding on to lastImage for 12. from dad - outside: tile 01Image for 13. The BatImage for 19. Champagne PoetryImage for 21. Peonies and JunkImage for 20. Shifting RealitiesImage for 22. Watering HoleImage for 23. Daan DistrictImage for 25. are materialImage for 26. Entry 2Image for 14. ShelterImage for Standing Strong IIImage for UntitledImage for Maybe is not betterImage for Despied RobbersImage for Surrounded By Water Untitled 10Image for Scenes from Life of CallistoImage for Time OutImage for LA GhostImage for Basement CafeteriaImage for Still Life with Sharp LightImage for VansImage for ConcienciaImage for ColaboraImage for 7. Serie: My TableImage for 31. Serie: Estado AlteradoImage for 43. Serie: Estado alteradoImage for A Tree with a TrunkImage for 14. Serie: Estado AlteradoImage for I Am ConvincedImage for Dear HeartImage for Rent a RoomImage for ThrillsImage for Catchers’ MaskImage for Replacement PlaceImage for PostImage for Difficult DrawImage for Stylin OutImage for SurvivorImage for The MarchImage for The ActorImage for Unanticipated WillImage for UntitledImage for Pretty BoyImage for This way, that way, but always upImage for Girls at NightImage for Lady In Yellow And BlueImage for Leg UpImage for Anna MayImage for Somethings burningImage for Drag OnImage for More loveImage for Why Was I BornImage for I Want to be OkImage for #1 MomImage for Mt. Lady LokiImage for motte #2Image for Wild is My TruthImage for BriquetteImage for Moore FallsImage for Chester LookoutImage for I’m breathing Fine IImage for Garden mirageImage for Root CreatureImage for “All is Zen 1”Image for The CornerImage for Colours of you and IImage for Dancing GoddessesImage for Night CreatureImage for LA (Hill)Image for The SkinnyImage for The SurferImage for Krishna Playing the FluteImage for MountainImage for ArtImage for Surfers of ItoImage for Have Two On MeImage for The Blaze of Imperfect MemoryImage for Half Moon at Pink SunsetImage for Play With The ShadowsImage for aliens of distractionImage for Material Impression xImage for Sudden BlastImage for "No Filter"Image for Time is a JailerImage for Japan in Gold - OkurimonoImage for Blooming from the concrete 3Image for GravityImage for Japan in Gold - OmoideImage for Untitled (steps)Image for Untitled (double window)Image for Late AfternoonImage for The Over UnderImage for Play : Our HourImage for Ziggurat (Green)Image for Taken AdvantageImage for The Space Around My SpineImage for Material Impression xiImage for Entanglement (Agnes)Image for FloatingImage for FlowImage for JungleImage for Material Impression xiiiImage for “Untitled”
Image for Aerial IVImage for FragmentImage for CanopyImage for WaitingImage for Flight Path IIImage for Peninsula IIImage for If I am to die today and never see the sweet face of youImage for I wish...I wishImage for I don’t know if anyone would believe anything of meImage for I never had a compass in my lifeImage for Hearts alien in them, whatever wildness contained thereImage for The SpinsImage for LanternImage for CherilynImage for CherImage for MariaImage for Beauty and her budgiesImage for La danse à la luneImage for ArrivalImage for It could have been the guarded advance of one who took no chancesImage for If I’m not there, can they?Image for Destiny is that which we are drawn towards and fate is that which we run intoImage for Inspired prophets of the future have been my companionsImage for That belief was a dangerous thingImage for LA (Shack)Image for Delphi’s Toast Crust OracleImage for EvergreenImage for RaveImage for Where The Wildflowers GrowImage for Hornby MeditationImage for Breakfast in BedImage for black veilImage for The Light That Gets LostImage for Free To WanderImage for Boho LeopardImage for CandyImage for Pathway IIImage for Daisy RainImage for OnwardsImage for The LiberatorImage for The Pelican FeederImage for Disco flowersImage for Chemin d’hiverImage for Warmth of the SunImage for Memories of SummerImage for I’ve never had a peach cobblerImage for SparkImage for Flor escondidaImage for Cardo AlcachofaImage for NightfallImage for Be Here NowImage for Tulips in Their FieldsImage for The Simplicity of a LineImage for RunImage for MoreImage for SinkImage for FullImage for RunwayImage for AquariumImage for MirrorImage for DaughterImage for Questions of TravelImage for Without TitleImage for Central ParkImage for Eidolon(1)Image for Striped Vase with FlowersImage for SeekingImage for Haze(1)Image for Sunrise IIIImage for Sunrise IVImage for Peggy’s CoveImage for Clay Pot with SunflowersImage for Late AfternoonImage for Kitchen ShadowsImage for Bucktooth catImage for The AlleywayImage for CascadeImage for Flagella of kindnessImage for GardenImage for BubblesImage for Stairway of ChoiceImage for “Food tastes better this way.”Image for “Where are you from-from?”Image for The PathImage for SoulmatesImage for TogethernessImage for SeaforthImage for PassImage for GiveImage for WakeImage for HollyhocksImage for ChiaraImage for CaelumImage for EquilibriumImage for TreatImage for I Died for BeautyImage for CrestImage for For Whom The Night RisesImage for I could not see to seeImage for CirtaImage for Don’t Mind If I DoImage for Blair WarningImage for Cheer UpImage for Valley of the QueensImage for Paper Memory 4Image for HerculesImage for Hathor Temple IIImage for Dine with meImage for Tabriz IImage for Tabriz IIImage for Let It GoImage for Figure (1)Image for Ship 1Image for Ship 2Image for Minutiae #2Image for Minutiae #5Image for Season of the Witch #6Image for Love nature IImage for Forgotten MindsImage for One Of Those DaysImage for UntitledImage for Half Past MidnightImage for Out Of The SkyImage for Passing ByImage for Skylight (Moon)Image for PhosphorosImage for Boys&GirlsImage for A portrait of a Lady in the mirrorImage for Whoops!Image for SurrealismImage for A bird womanImage for volcanoImage for The Hardwired ManImage for HiddenImage for SynchronicityImage for Copied, Multiplied, Digitized IIImage for Long NightImage for UntitledImage for The rabbit holeImage for The Fortuneteller’s DreamImage for One with NatureImage for OxygenImage for A ProcessionImage for Figures in a LandscapeImage for Passing DeepImage for La FolieImage for ReverberationsImage for PassionsImage for Force a SmileImage for FlowersImage for WinterstellarImage for Purple ReignImage for Indian MusiciansImage for RustyImage for Biophilia and the Animalistic Tendencies in HumansImage for PathwayImage for ArrivalImage for Forest HijinksImage for LoopImage for The Color of GraceImage for Reb Chair on Bass Point.Image for The Way Forward (Lahore Series)Image for The Animal Kingdoms Game Theory (Lahore Series)Image for Trickster’s Truth (Lahore Series)Image for Seeking WarmthImage for View from Field, BCImage for Full Moon over RevelstokeImage for One of the Most Difficult Aspects of our Existence is to make sense of itImage for Mount EigerImage for BlissImage for After HoursImage for May, Jessie and Margaret - women of the Arts and Crafts MovementImage for CheckmateImage for The Narcissist who saved himselfImage for SleepImage for La dame de coeurImage for The TravelersImage for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Girl in Floral DressImage for Catchers MitImage for Taylor Creek, FallImage for Artist tearsImage for Oh Endless DayImage for Early Morning in Little PortugalImage for What if I FeelImage for ExplorerImage for ApparitionImage for Forget me notImage for ultrasoundImage for SearchImage for CopingImage for NatNat and Angel in the Bois de BoulogneImage for Turning the starsImage for RunwayImage for Incongruous Relations.Image for New Life ReligionsImage for Laughing Perfume