Gallery Representation

About this artwork
I have sought to analyze the theme of night through a lens where this phenomenon exists simultaneously as space, time, object, and material. At once still, and subtle, there is a sense of transience as shifts and changes occur with movement and the passage of time. There are prominent image systems that undulate between presence and absence while containing references to navigational tools, cyclical patterns, and natural phenomena. With soft perceptual shifts, natural materials, tactile surfaces, and moments of shimmering transcendence I've worked to develop a personal index that reflects the essence of night and its many forms.
Artwork History

Oct 12, 2023
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Kole Nichols (B. 1998) is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work often utilizes the languages of printmaking, drawing, painting, and sculpture as an expanded approach to art-making in order to navigate their conceptual interests. Nichols was born and raised in Alabama where he attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham (BFA) before later attending The University of Alabama where he received an MFA. Recent exhibitions in which they have been featured include a solo show at the Wiregrass Museum of Art (2023), The Gadsden Museum of Art (2023), and the Red Clay Survey: Exhibition of Contemporary Southern Art at the Huntsville Museum of Art (2020).
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1998 in Florence, AL, USA. Currently residing in Atlanta, GA.
BFA Night’s Curtain Night’s Curtain
Appears in Pegboards
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