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Artwork History

Jan 24, 2023
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Koo’s oil paintings encompass a wide range of subject matters and styles. However, if there is one thread that pulls her work together it is the idea of responding to and expressing emotions and experiences through painting. She draws inspiration from mundane events, media, human desire, motivation, apathy, and helplessness. The banality of the images depicted, sometimes in bright, saturated colors and other times faded and pale, become surrogate self-portraits, memories, and hopeful futures. This can take the form of a carefully staged still life representing identity, appropriated media images of idealized love and romantic relationships, or food that can give a sense of belonging, physical satisfaction, or contrarily an invitation for discomfort and sweet temptations.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1990 in Seoul, South Korea. Currently residing in Charlotte, North Carolina .
B.A. Studio Art: Painting Sweet Solo Exhibitio With Sugar on Top Crossing Boundaries Selected Paintings Sweet Solo Exhibitio With Sugar on Top Crossing Boundaries Selected Paintings Create! Magaine Issue 43 New American Paintings Issue 160 South Peggy Artist Spotlight Friend of Artist Magazine Volume 19 Booooooom Magazine Present Full-time Faculty, Art & Design, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, Salisbury, NC Adjunct Faculty, Art & Design, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, Salisbury, NC Adjunct Faculty, Art, Wingate University, Wingate, NC
Appears in Pegboards
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