BFA Drawing and Painting

About this artwork
Reused oil skins on panel
Artwork History

May 19, 2023
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Lucas Biagini is a painter who rarely uses brushes. He moulds, slices and forms mixtures of oil paint with clays to sculpt relief-like paintings that are highly textured and layered. His abstract paintings utilize colour and shapes that are often reminiscent of tectonic plates, fault lines or topographical maps – with organic forms and valleys stretching across the canvas. In some of his works we are reminded of skin, the body and our emotions within us – coming to light in moments of paint oozing from cracks or being released from pulling back top layers. The surface puckers and dimples, and under layers shine through. The subconscious slips through to the forefront of our thoughts. What’s beneath the surface tells the story.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1996 in Toronto, ON, Canada. Currently residing in Toronto, ON, Canada.
Heavy Lines Heavy Lines Experiencing Perspectives, Mercedes- Benz Financial Services, 2018- 2019 Galerie Youn Catalogue, Art Toronto, 2019 Lewis, T. 2023. Paolo Ferrari X Lucas Biagini. Gray Magazine, issue 67, 42-43. PRAXIS Catalogue, OCAD University, 2018 Big Art Book, Bluffs Gallery, 2017 The Ontario Society of Artists Juried Exhibition, Risk Taker Award OCAD University, Drawing and Painting Honorable Mention OCAD University, Drawing and Painting Career Launcher
Appears in Pegboards
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