Avatar for Lucas Biagini

Lucas Biagini


(b.1996, Canada) lives and works in Toronto








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Image for CamoImage for Ooze 2024Image for Small MomentsImage for All of ItImage for Flower PowerImage for Rain DropsImage for MatthewImage for My Rifle, My Pony and MeImage for SeaforthImage for By the waterImage for Blue heartImage for MagicImage for Twilight CarnivalImage for Earth and body oozeImage for Colours of you and IImage for Garden mirageImage for Zebra clusterImage for More loveImage for Drag OnImage for Somethings burningImage for Fresh FruitImage for Earth and BodyImage for BopImage for This way, that way, but always upImage for Super KidImage for Pretty BoyImage for Spring Clown


Lucas Biagini is a painter who rarely uses brushes. He moulds, slices and forms mixtures of oil paint with clays to sculpt relief-like paintings that are highly textured and layered. His abstract paintings utilize colour and shapes that are oft...


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Collectors of Lucas Biagini

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1996 in Toronto, ON, Canada. Currently residing in Toronto, ON, Canada.

2018 · OCAD University

BFA Drawing and Painting

Solo Exhibitions
Nov 4, 2020 - Dec 4, 2020

Heavy Lines

Group Exhibitions
Nov 4, 2020 - Dec 4, 2020

Heavy Lines

Selected Press
Dec 4, 2018

Experiencing Perspectives, Mercedes- Benz Financial Services, 2018- 2019

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