Avatar for Malika Karasek-Bereza

Malika Karasek-Bereza


Account Manager, Art & Operations @ Peggy, Food lover 🥨, big time dancer 💃🏻, and art enthousiast 🎨








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Image for watersideImage for My Rifle, My Pony and MeImage for Flamed and FlickeredImage for Abstract 73827Image for Cat Looking at PearsImage for A barren cloud's porrous skullImage for Malika & PicoImage for Swim

Collection Activity

Image for waterside
Avatar for Eva Eichinger

Eva Eichinger

Bought on Jul 02, 2024
Image for Abstract 73827
Abstract 73827
Avatar for Kim Keever

Kim Keever

Bought on Dec 05, 2023
Image for Cat Looking at Pears
Cat Looking at Pears
Avatar for Holly Coulis

Holly Coulis

Bought on Dec 05, 2023
Image for Swim
Avatar for Ron Jamieson

Ron Jamieson

Bought on Jul 17, 2023
Image for Malika & Pico
Malika & Pico
Avatar for Ron Jamieson

Ron Jamieson

Bought on Jul 13, 2023

Artists in Collection

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Artists Pegboarded

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Collector's Perspective

An art experience I loved...

Last summer, on a visit to the Musée Nationale des Beaux-Arts du Québec, I visited the Manasie Akpaliapik exhibit. I was fascinated by how the artist reclaimed animal materials and transformed them into pieces that embody his love for his home and his culture. I have truly never seen sculpture like his. They transformed as we walked around them; each surface revealing a new hidden story sculpted into the whale bone or caribou antlers.

I’m interested in art because...

It is a lens through which to learn about the world and everyone in it.


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