Exercise Physiology

Acrylic Paint
91.0 x 61.0 cm
About this artwork
My most vivid memories of the summers when I was a kid include summer camps and swimming at the beach. Lake Michigan always surprises people when they first see it, the sandy beaches, the dunes that could pass as a part of some great desert, and the fact that you cannot see all the way across is never what they expect. The forest enclosed lakes with docks to run off are housed inland but the Great Lakes are more massive with a mix of sand and rocky shores sweetened by my childhood memory. I remember celebrations, summer picnics, relaxing, beach volleyball, collecting rocks. The lake was an easy escape from real life. A completely different terrain to explore. A welcome and steady friend. Ever changing but reassuringly there whenever I needed it.
Offers & History
Artwork History
Aug 12, 2024

Nov 02, 2023
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

We go through life, unaware of all the twists, all the decisions, all the subtle changes we go through to become who we are becoming. We stand unaware of our magic and our gifts settling into the mediocre and the monotonous. Until one day a spark lights within, or a conversation illuminates, or a tragedy requires us to finally see all that we are. The fullness of ourselves, our power, and our potential. And then suddenly all the choices, all that we have gathered and learned and become, transforms into a beautiful mosaic. We begin to understand that we are here to add to the ourselves until we are filled up with all the pieces of who we are. No matter how disparate they seem. No matter how strange. My work is my pathway to understanding my own mosaic, to filling it up, to discovering more of the pieces. It is ever shifting, never-ending, and becoming more of who I truly am as the years pass. My hope is that it will help you discover something within you that has been waiting to be seen, that has been waiting to be embraced, and that will add to the mosaic of who you are.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1975 in Ann Arbor, MI. Currently residing in Montréal, QC.
Culinary Arts Featured Artist for Black History month, West Elm Montreal Women of Strength & Abundance of Hope at l'Appartement with Damask & Dentelle Serenity & Self, Arte Cavallo. Serenity, The Old Brewery Mission gallery and shelter Featured Artist for Black History month, West Elm Montreal Women of Strength & Abundance of Hope at l'Appartement with Damask & Dentelle Serenity & Self, Arte Cavallo. Serenity, The Old Brewery Mission gallery and shelter
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