Susan's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Susan Lindley





Mar 12, 2025

Image for Shimmering Dusk of SpringImage for Ephemeral SpringImage for ZinniasImage for Hope’s ChildImage for Falling ReignImage for ButterflyImage for Dream Flowers VImage for Fluid TulipsImage for Lowland idyllImage for Colorful ResonanceImage for Lost in PrimaveraImage for View of walled garden from windowImage for Butterfly study AImage for Spring feelingImage for A Plantain Lily in Malibu, CA (on vert de gris)Image for Japanese Water Iris (on violet)Image for Over the RainbowImage for Peninsula IIImage for Mountain ValleyImage for 21. Peonies and JunkImage for Flower PowerImage for Double StarImage for Innerscape No.34Image for The fall of the EmpireImage for Games at TwilightImage for Flower Fence 22 (#1)Image for Eastern MihrabImage for FrutecerImage for You Were Bigger Than the SkyImage for Haze(1)Image for Lion's RoarImage for Clouds of Green, Cracks of GoldImage for Mountain (study)Image for Between Nowhere and SomewhereImage for EkpyrosisImage for Glowing 4Image for Ziggy & ZinniasImage for If I Was DaphneImage for A Love StoryImage for Laughing PerfumeImage for A Chair, AloneImage for In a roomImage for Letting GoImage for Gleaming, Drifting IImage for Lemonade StandImage for lenguasImage for No! I want green lemonadeImage for Where we’re goingImage for New LagoonImage for You will forever be in my heartImage for Ducks in TimeImage for Le Spectre RécapitulatifImage for Hibisco II (Estudios de la Costa)Image for Pretty BoyImage for This way, that way, but always upImage for BopImage for More loveImage for Sandpiper DreamImage for Hornby Low TideImage for LotusImage for EgretImage for Blue ImpressionImage for Colours of you and I
Image for Venice BeachImage for LA (Hill)Image for The SkinnyImage for Where We BeginImage for The SurferImage for The Blaze of Imperfect MemoryImage for Play With The ShadowsImage for Waiting to BloomImage for Untitled (steps)Image for Untitled (double window)Image for The Over UnderImage for Untitled (teal waves)Image for PristineImage for Fractures of a Frozen LandscapeImage for The Space Around My SpineImage for Untitled (ogive I)Image for FloatingImage for Self-esteemImage for JungleImage for Ranch Night in PaicinesImage for Summer SolsticeImage for CozyImage for I N F I N I T Y #3Image for A Beautiful AcheImage for This Isn't SeriousImage for ReckonerImage for Hanging Onto SummerImage for Where The Wildflowers GrowImage for Hornby MeditationImage for Chief MouserImage for Over the RainbowImage for Boho LeopardImage for Passing Me ByImage for Stone AngelImage for Abney Park AngelImage for StandImage for FoldImage for Relinquishing IIImage for Warmth of the SunImage for Memories of SummerImage for SIX POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for ONE POSTCARD MEMORYImage for TWELVE POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for Whispers of Winter IImage for SparkImage for Flor escondidaImage for Fruit saladImage for EstirarImage for Cardo AlcachofaImage for Feria de Julio 2Image for NightfallImage for Unvisited PlacesImage for Be Here NowImage for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for VesselImage for Hidden HeartImage for Port Hope, Late FallImage for Taylor Creek, FallImage for Early Morning in Little PortugalImage for What if I FeelImage for CardoImage for Taxonomy