My paintings are the expression of my life. They capture what I see on my daily walks, my travels, the flowers in my garden, my family, and even the dancing lightning in a fierce summer storm. I pour everything that encompasses my life into these ...
My paintings are the expression of my life. They capture what I see on my daily walks, my travels, the flowers in my garden, my family, and even the dancing lightning in a fierce summer storm. I pour everything that encompasses my life into these paintings. They are a distilled representation of who I am, conveyed through lines, shapes, and spaces. They convey the joy, love, and excitement of existence. My deepest desire is for one piece, one color, or a movement of line to capture your eye and connect with you, sparking a little something inside you. I hope that my paintings bring you closer, inviting you to step in and take a closer look. I want you to explore and discover the hidden bits within the layers—the layers and marks that it takes to create each piece. In that moment, I hope you find something that brightens your day and brings you to a place of rest and relaxation or simply allows you to breeze by, enjoying the fleeting moment. I believe in the connection between the artwork and the viewer. Whether that connection is strong or subtle, I hope you take a moment in your busy life to just be and enjoy.