
Acrylic Paint


140.0 x 100.0 cm

Year Created



We are seeking for many things in life - attention, love, acceptance for starters. We seek new experiences, new tastes, new fragrances. It is imprinted into a human nature as it is a natural consequence of our curiosity, needs, desires. "Skeekin...

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Image for FemininityImage for HopeImage for HiddenImage for EntityImage for TouchImage for SerotoninImage for DissolutionImage for Self-esteemImage for FlowImage for CopingImage for NonlinearImage for Under the seaImage for CloseImage for AttractorImage for GrowingImage for Second waveImage for Flagella of kindnessImage for EndorphinsImage for VulnerabilityImage for JuneImage for Dreams catchingImage for AttentiveImage for To encapsulateImage for SparkImage for Entropy

Appears in Pegboards

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1987 in Nakło nad Notecią. Currently residing in Warszawa.

Solo Exhibitions
Jan 11, 2023 - Feb 10, 2023

Not obvious forms, Museum of Krajeńska Land

Sep 1, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022

Colours of life, curator Patrycja Krześniak, Arsenic gallery in Warsaw

Group Exhibitions
Jan 11, 2023 - Feb 10, 2023

Not obvious forms, Museum of Krajeńska Land

Sep 1, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022

Colours of life, curator Patrycja Krześniak, Arsenic gallery in Warsaw

Selected Press
May 1, 2023

Artist Talk Magazine, Issue 23, London, UK

Offers & History

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Avatar for Weronika Dyląg

$1,900 USD - Ask

@weronika_dylag on November 12, 11:44am UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Weronika Dyląg
Weronika Dyląg

Nov 11, 2023