Chris's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Chris Beazley





Jul 11, 2024

Image for Landscape at 7.19 PMImage for AttentiveImage for CherilynImage for CherImage for MariaImage for Marion et les glacesImage for La danse à la luneImage for ArrivalImage for Mystic BodyImage for It could have been the guarded advance of one who took no chancesImage for If I’m not there, can they?Image for Destiny is that which we are drawn towards and fate is that which we run intoImage for Inspired prophets of the future have been my companionsImage for That belief was a dangerous thingImage for Delphi’s Toast Crust OracleImage for Awakening IIImage for The BeginningImage for Hanging Onto SummerImage for EvergreenImage for Plexus RevisitedImage for TidalImage for Race to the PrecipiceImage for Rammer TimeImage for Pequeña España (Little Spain)Image for AfterpartyImage for Lineage (Blue)Image for RaveImage for Where The Wildflowers GrowImage for Dimmer BullImage for Oh DeerImage for SerotoninImage for Twilight CarnivalImage for Over the RainbowImage for Entanglement (Sheila)Image for Boho LeopardImage for CandyImage for Picnic: Melon with KnifeImage for Still Life on Flying CarpetImage for Still Life with Sliced LemonImage for Picnic: Brioche with FlowerImage for Untitled Still LifeImage for BlackoutImage for The LiberatorImage for The Pelican FeederImage for StandImage for FoldImage for Disco flowersImage for Maxine and friendsImage for BullfrogImage for InfinityImage for Relinquishing IIImage for Extremo Blando (Soft Extreme)Image for If I Could Hold Your HandImage for Eternal ShipsImage for BlowImage for FuckImage for Warmth of the SunImage for Memories of SummerImage for I’ve never had a peach cobblerImage for SIX POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for ONE POSTCARD MEMORYImage for SparkImage for Flor escondidaImage for EstirarImage for Cardo AlcachofaImage for This May Leave a ScarImage for Have A Wander Before Dinner TimeImage for Unvisited PlacesImage for Be Here NowImage for Tulips in Their FieldsImage for The Simplicity of a LineImage for RunImage for MoreImage for SinkImage for FullImage for RunwayImage for Broken guitarImage for StrelitziaImage for CabaçasImage for Blue heartImage for Delete your accountImage for Sails on the SeaImage for Questions of TravelImage for HopeImage for American Freedom SongImage for San DieguitoImage for Striped Vase with FlowersImage for The FallsImage for SeekingImage for Deep EndImage for PlayerImage for Haze(1)Image for The Dénia series: The Harbour FairImage for Mosaic #21Image for Mosaic #23Image for Mosaic #22Image for Mosaic #48Image for Cubist #3Image for The SurfImage for Peggy’s CoveImage for Ninety DegreesImage for CalliopeImage for Pear StudyImage for Clay Pot with SunflowersImage for Late AfternoonImage for Kitchen ShadowsImage for Bucktooth catImage for Veneno astralImage for The City XXIIIImage for Matta’s HouseImage for By the waterImage for RushesImage for The City XXIVImage for ExhaleImage for EndorphinsImage for Flagella of kindnessImage for GardenImage for SalerImage for A Conversation Between Aman, Apu, and Ah Lam in Which They Discuss Mutual Amity and Come to Terms 2Image for A Conversation Between Aman, Apu, and Ah Lam in Which They Discuss Mutual Amity and Come to Terms 1Image for TiltImage for Arisha (Peace) TalksImage for Entanglement: GathieImage for Red DotImage for Gold DotImage for Liberated IconImage for Cottage CoreImage for “Abundance/ Gratitude”Image for Boy in a gardenImage for BubblesImage for “K.O”Image for BlueImage for Fire MosaicImage for Baby, it’s cold outsideImage for DizzyImage for Prom QueenImage for BlueImage for Boy with a rainbowImage for untitled (not b&w)Image for “A Glimpse of Glory”Image for SleepyImage for Pawn 5Image for “Big Fish”/ “Uncharted Territory”Image for “Murky Waters”Image for Enlighten My Valley of TrustImage for “Mantis”Image for Guided by the Words of Wisdom, Written on the Walls of LifeImage for Stairway of ChoiceImage for Self careImage for Cheesy self portraitImage for “Oh shit, there are pine trees here too!”Image for Forever and Ever (Peach study 1)Image for “Observation”Image for The spirit dancerImage for Forever and Ever (Green Study)Image for Forever and Ever II (Study)Image for Pink lightImage for BirdieImage for The PathImage for SoulmatesImage for TogethernessImage for Cezanne’s TableImage for LibertyImage for I Have A SecretImage for LA (Flood)Image for The companionsImage for Girl with a swanImage for PlumeImage for “Blue Nude”Image for Great Aunt Winnie: Winnaretta SingerImage for RelevoImage for EntityImage for Poughkeepsie train stationImage for Hebi No. 4Image for Hebi No. 3Image for Silva No. 4Image for Silva No. 5Image for Sands No. 9Image for Edo No. 4Image for Edo No. 1Image for Celeste No. 10Image for PassImage for GiveImage for WakeImage for CateneImage for Il punk abbestiaImage for La CentralinistaImage for HollyhocksImage for Somewhere (maybe right here)Image for Above/Below
Image for Annunciation paintingImage for Desert RoseImage for ConstellationImage for NymphaeaImage for Low TideImage for Back PastureImage for AlohaImage for CaelumImage for EquilibriumImage for FragmentumImage for Platform AscendingImage for Running Up That Hill,Image for Resting In The BalanceImage for TreatImage for I Died for BeautyImage for CrestImage for For Whom The Night RisesImage for I could not see to seeImage for My Rifle, My Pony and MeImage for TrickImage for LookImage for Study in Color # 5Image for CirtaImage for Don’t Mind If I DoImage for Sarah SmileImage for Tennis TampImage for Cheer UpImage for Paper MemoryImage for Paper Memory 2Image for Paper Memory 3Image for Valley of the QueensImage for Paper Memory 4Image for HypnogogicImage for HerculesImage for Hathor Temple IIImage for Temple of HathorImage for DenderaImage for Blood OrangeImage for Dine with meImage for Making it WorkImage for Sweet DreamsImage for Animal PritzImage for Tabriz IImage for Tabriz IIImage for “Crowning”Image for Loving What IsImage for Darkest HourImage for Let It GoImage for A Circular Argument with Infinite RegressImage for Season of the Witch #1Image for Momentary Lapse #2Image for Season of the Witch #7Image for Ship 1Image for Ship 2Image for Minutiae #2Image for Minutiae #5Image for Season of the Witch #6Image for Prism 7/22Image for PasserbyImage for A Crowded TheaterImage for SpacesuitImage for Self Portrait with Ankara FanImage for TanagerImage for SpinneretImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Say SomethingImage for Lluvia negraImage for Ama AmarilloImage for Azu-ladoImage for One Last TimeImage for Out Of The SkyImage for Skylight (Moon)Image for PhosphorosImage for Boys&GirlsImage for GrasshopperImage for When Sunny Gets BlueImage for A portrait of a Lady in the mirrorImage for IlluminationImage for The Black AngelImage for Whoops!Image for SurrealismImage for EscapeImage for Paint BlobsImage for CrimsonImage for Clouds Over Cold-Water BasinImage for Green roseImage for NightImage for volcanoImage for Tiger LadyImage for Anartia AmatheaImage for A Leaf MomentImage for ChangeImage for Girl with a flowerImage for Bird on a lake. From the Sketches series.Image for DivineImage for Girl with a birdImage for Singin'!Image for Barkin' BegoniasImage for eclipse seasonImage for the darkest hourImage for Re-entryImage for Girl with flowersImage for Without InconveniencesImage for Please Do Leave Quietly, The Floorboards Creak when you WalkImage for Matchbox TeddyImage for GlueImage for New York City RainfallImage for UnitedImage for Bel AmiImage for Red Painted WomanImage for Camels Under Star of BethlehemImage for Sheep Below the Star of BethlehemImage for Black Bear Cub Red BerriesImage for Cosmic CatImage for The Hardwired ManImage for Splat Cat (Pink)Image for Tangarine DreamsImage for Memory of a LandscapeImage for AngelImage for ValleyImage for HiddenImage for Through The BlindsImage for SaigonImage for Earth's VibrationImage for GhostsImage for PebblesImage for BeakImage for SynchronicityImage for Poison MoonImage for Fall trees in SunImage for 07. South of ItalyImage for Round Two (on canvas board)Image for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Girl in Floral DressImage for Untitled 16 (Safranal)Image for VesselImage for Hidden HeartImage for FourImage for Port Hope, Late FallImage for This is only a testImage for Catchers MitImage for DromedaryImage for Curling SmokeImage for Big Gnarly FirImage for Taylor Creek, FallImage for Don’t Look DownImage for Load BeareresImage for Scratches and IndentationsImage for The Frog PrinceImage for JupiterImage for Oh Endless DayImage for In Sickness and In HealthImage for Girls With PlantsImage for What if I FeelImage for CardoImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for ExplorerImage for ApparitionImage for Le Spectre RécapitulatifImage for TaxonomyImage for Fruit saladImage for Entangled BloomImage for Untitled (ogive I)Image for Res ExtensaImage for Pink LadyImage for IPAOC 0231Image for IPAOC 0179Image for Forest Study IIImage for NymphImage for A moment of surrenderImage for चक्र studies: muladharaImage for ultrasoundImage for Rainbow LynxImage for man at windowImage for Sleeper with squash (red,relief)Image for No Unit of MeasurementImage for CopingImage for Miss Karen Elson 2Image for Miss Karen ElsonImage for NatNat and Angel in the Bois de BoulogneImage for Turning the starsImage for Suzanne Valadon’s MontmartreImage for Dancing with the beastImage for RunwayImage for Incongruous Relations.Image for Lac MassawippiImage for Dizzy Miss Lizzy