Clouds Over Cold-Water Basin, 2023


Oil Paint


51.0 x 61.0 cm

Year Created



Studio Painting expressing the passing shadows of clouds over a valley in the Sierra Nevada, in a simple guilded frame.

Ian Scott's Perspective

Artist's commentary

Took a break climbing a hill while mountain biking, I didn't gave any Art supplies with me, but I took a digital and mental image of the high contrast shadow's made on the landscape by the quickly passing clouds, creating the surrealistic effect of dancing spotlights, with no constant light source.

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Born in 1994 in Portland, OR. Currently residing in Truckee, CA.

2019 · Beux-Arts Academy of Classical Art

Classical Art

2017 · The Masters Academy-Atelier

Naturalist Art

2016 · Brigham Young University-Idaho

Associates of Arts- 2D Studies

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$1,920 USD - Ask

@ian_scott on December 21, 7:12pm UTC

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Ian Scott

Dec 21, 2023