MA Contemporary Art Practice

Oil Paint
40.0 x 40.0 cm
About this artwork
This series of paintings is dedicated to my studies and reflections on our chakras [चक्र (cakra) translated from Sanskrit as a ‘wheel’ or ‘circle’], i.e. the energy centres or ‘rotating wheels of energy’. Each chakra corresponds to a certain area of the physical body, specific organs, emotions, thoughts, experiences and has its own colour and sound. This bright shade of crimson red symbolises our muladhara or root chakra [मूल (mula) is translated from Sanskrit as ‘root’ and आधार (adhara) as ‘base’ or ‘support’], which is reflected by the golden lines in this painting. Root chakra refers to our physical form in this world and is responsible for our basic needs and a sense of security and stability. A balanced muladhara establishes the foundation needed to open the higher energy centres in our body. However, an unbalanced root chakra leads to a feeling of disconnection, powerlessness, anxiety and doubts. This painting is energetically charged with Reiki to bring grounding energies and a sense of security.
Artwork History

Dec 04, 2023
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Alina R.J is a London-based multidisciplinary artist, who is intertwining discourse around social, cultural, psychological, philosophical and spiritual concepts to explore contemporary issues through a prism of ancient knowledge, seeking to uncover timeless truths. Inspiration for her work derives from both the external world, society, events, and individuals, and her internal landscape – memories, dreams, meditative practices and feelings. She communicates her ideas by leveraging abstract shapes and colours along with symbolism and metaphors – these tools allow the artist to stimulate the process of free associations and unlock the viewer’s hidden thoughts or feelings. Ethereal and surrealistic visuals serve as a playground for the viewers’ subconsciousness obliterating the boundaries between fantasy and reality. The artist often complements these visuals with written reflections, extending her exploration of the ideas and adding an additional layer to the viewer's experience. Alina’s ultimate goal is to evoke emotional resonance and provide a space for contemplation and introspection. In an era dominated by information overload and external distractions, she believes it is essential to highlight the significance of one's internal world and encourage viewers to turn inward. ‘It is impossible to find oneself externally – all the answers we seek are already within us.’ In essence, her practice is a testament to the interconnectedness of all human experiences and the profound wisdom that resides within.
Curriculum Vitae
Appears in Pegboards
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