Rex Autry is a Texas-based artist whose work explores themes of faith,history of identity, and societal introspection. With over four years of experience in the art industry, Rex brings a unique perspective to his art, blending elements of Pop Exp...
Rex Autry is a Texas-based artist whose work explores themes of faith,history of identity, and societal introspection. With over four years of experience in the art industry, Rex brings a unique perspective to his art, blending elements of Pop Expressionism and abstract storytelling. His pieces often feature vibrant colors and unconventional materials like dirt, plaster, and eggshells, lending texture and depth to his compositions. Drawing inspiration from his faith and personal beliefs, Rex’s art reflects a deep-seated connection to the cultural and spiritual landscape of the United States. His works frequently address complex themes such as the erosion of foundational values, spiritual rebellion, and the fragility of belief in modern society. This approach creates a powerful dialogue within each piece, encouraging viewers to contemplate broader questions about identity and morality. In addition to his individual creative practice, Rex is dedicated to making his mark in the art world, with aspirations to feature his work in museums and private collections. His journey is marked by a commitment to evolving his craft, connecting with audiences, and continually seeking new platforms for creative expression. Currently, Rex balances his art career with graphic design, utilizing his skills in digital media to expand his reach and engage a growing online audience. Rex’s work has been exhibited at local galleries and art markets, and he continues to build his artistic portfolio through new projects and collaborations. With hundreds of completed pieces and numerous works-in-progress, Rex’s studio is a testament to his relentless passion and dedication to his craft. Website: rexautry.com Instagram: @rexautry