
Oil Paint


43.0 x 60.0 cm

Year Created



Auction lot #022 Estimated value USD 700 Painted a spot I stared at often. It’s oil paint on a wood panel.

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Born in 1999 in Jagadhri, India. Currently residing in Scarborough/Toronto.

2023 · OCAD University

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Honors and Awards
Jun 9, 2023

John Madott Fine Art Award

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Avatar for Veerta Kumar

$700 USD - Ask

@_veertakumar on January 18, 4:07pm UTC
Avatar for Veerta Kumar

$200 USD - Ask

@_veertakumar on January 26, 2:45pm UTC
Avatar for Beth Salcedo

$200 USD - Offer

@BethC on January 28, 2:45pm UTC
Avatar for Beth Salcedo

$200 USD - Sale

@BethC on February 06, 10:21pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Beth Salcedo
Beth Salcedo

Feb 27, 2024

Avatar for Veerta Kumar
Veerta Kumar

Jan 15, 2024