AnnaSterling's Saved Artworks

Avatar for AnnaSterling Faulk





May 12, 2024

Image for TravellerImage for KiteImage for HillImage for CrowdImage for WallImage for StreetlightImage for TravellerImage for TreeImage for Lone Identity QuiltImage for To the SurfaceImage for Without You, Middle East is an Empty Oil-WellImage for Evolution of FeelingImage for JourneyImage for Blue BirdImage for SubconsciouslyImage for Gestalt Study 1Image for Gestalt Study 2Image for SunburntImage for FacesImage for AscendImage for A briefing for a soul that finds itself in SussexImage for alone with othersImage for leftImage for The Other WorldImage for Sea UrchinsImage for To be understoodImage for Clear PastImage for immersionImage for Public Works ProjectImage for The Story of MeImage for Blue VR792Image for Engaged ListenerImage for Hands of the FamilyImage for HellImage for StripesImage for Polka DotsImage for Im, am und um den Pool herumImage for In, am und um den Pool herumImage for Fragile MasqueradeImage for hidden in open spaceImage for Iya ni Wura #2Image for Freed Island CabinImage for To be seenImage for I am with himImage for I am with herImage for Last LeavesImage for Orchid 01Image for Couch SurfingImage for BicorniaImage for A Painter's TouchImage for The Glow of the ForestImage for An anchored soul can still flyImage for Lost Her to MirrorsImage for FunfettiImage for Just as cool as you please - Study in toneImage for DripImage for UntitledImage for Abstract and the DragonImage for FacesImage for SlideImage for SymbiosisImage for Iya ni Wura #5Image for Four Friends DancingImage for sunny dayImage for WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS #2Image for When Life Gives You Lemons #3Image for I was once here, but now I don‘t knowImage for Red Velvet CakeImage for Autumn: Season Of The SoulImage for Blue VR793Image for Birthday DaffodilsImage for Hopeful TulipsImage for Tears are WordsImage for the jungleImage for UNCOVERED PAINT TUBESImage for UNCOVERED BRUSHESImage for BOOST ITImage for IgniteImage for Im, am und um den Pool herumImage for ColourburstImage for Im, am und um den Pool herumImage for THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM #1Image for PALETTE STORY:SHADES OF BLUEImage for A BOOSTImage for Iya ni Wura #3Image for Portrait covered with flowersImage for Viridian HazeImage for Fall at the Farmers MarketImage for RED PAINTImage for THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM #9Image for THORNY ISSUESImage for DreamImage for The bunnyImage for With Healing IntentionsImage for PAINT JOB #2 – COLOR ME BLUEImage for DESRET STORMImage for Travis ScottImage for May a new perception come to me nowImage for There is nothing to fearImage for I see all things as I want them to beImage for I am not a body. I am freeImage for There is another way to see the worldImage for Let me calm down and listen to the truthImage for I am spiritImage for CAN BECOMEImage for IN THE FRAMEImage for GRAPES OF WRATHImage for CAN DOImage for PalomillaImage for Night of the Super MoonImage for Night is Purer Than DayImage for PoleImage for To Be AcceptedImage for What Freedom Feels LikeImage for ExitImage for TrainImage for The lakeImage for Mom’s duvetImage for Afternoon TearsImage for List: 056Image for Hypnogogic 2Image for Hypnogogic 3Image for List: 053Image for List: 048Image for List:046Image for List: 044Image for List: 039Image for List: 036Image for Blue Polar BearImage for Egg Type No. 17Image for Pink MarmotImage for “Where God divided by zero”Image for Three DiamondsImage for DiamondsImage for moon crystalImage for Red-eye, IIImage for CAN BEImage for PICTURE WINDOW: KHAMSIN WINDImage for DICE IT UPImage for PIECE OF CAKEImage for CHICKEN STOCKImage for Lady in blueImage for SelfImage for Evening GlowImage for Shine 1Image for Glowing 2Image for DichotomyImage for Play Series 2 - 3Image for ToastImage for RisingImage for EncircledImage for Red-eye, IImage for Happy TimesImage for Spring is Coming 2Image for IT’S NOT A WRAPImage for In search of  (7)Image for Glowing 4Image for Chimera 15Image for Chimera 13Image for Chimera 17Image for Chimera 11Image for Chimera 9Image for Chimera 6Image for Chimera 4Image for Chimera 5Image for Chimera 3Image for Chimera 2Image for Chimera 1Image for Olive TreeImage for From NY to LAImage for Stitching of the Universe llImage for I Contain MultitudesImage for The Shape of BelongingImage for Look Deeply into Your Hand and See MeImage for I Carry Your Heart in My HeartImage for Of Soul and EarthImage for FernwehImage for Anima/AnimusImage for PersonaImage for Chanel 2.55Image for Warm Book StackImage for End Of AugustImage for Into the DarknessImage for EnclosedImage for I Want CandyImage for Off-KilterImage for Egg Type No. 13Image for Egg Type No. 14Image for Egg Type No. 19Image for Egg Type No. 21Image for Still LifeImage for Old BookImage for StatueImage for Green PotImage for DawnImage for Let It SnowImage for AfterglowImage for My Color tubes
Image for Blue GlassImage for Rise and ShineImage for Tender ScarsImage for RespiteImage for LimitlessImage for Squash with cornImage for That First Sip FeelingImage for CousinsImage for Oranges with Sugar potImage for Her in memoryImage for The Touch of TimeImage for Four OrangesImage for Do Not DisturbImage for AP Untitled BImage for ShadowsImage for ExorcismImage for No Real Magic EverImage for Ghost GirlfriendImage for DareImage for List: 055Image for List:035Image for List:049Image for List:047Image for Chasing Clouds And DreamsImage for List:045Image for List:043Image for List:042Image for Spade in a LandscapeImage for List:041Image for The ForestImage for List:037Image for The Black SquareImage for List:033Image for List:032Image for AP Untitled e 76 cm x 56 cm x 2Image for This is Not My BraImage for A Chair, AloneImage for Stained CamisoleImage for Strips of MeImage for Fragment of CreationImage for SunflowersImage for Embraced ShadowImage for List:029Image for Beyond Borders IImage for List:026Image for List:024Image for Lake sideImage for Built on the WindImage for TAP Untitled 8Image for TAP Unititled 9Image for TAP UnititledImage for TAP Unititled 11Image for TAP Unititled 3Image for Striped printImage for WonderlandImage for Secret Artwork 296Image for Secret Artwork 667Image for Positive GarbageImage for No More GuiltImage for There’s Always A Way Out (I)Image for There’s Always A Way Out (II)Image for horseportrait IImage for WhirlwindImage for No man’s an islandImage for Quilt HillImage for Hard RockImage for Ribbon HillsImage for Iya ni Wura #4Image for The Flowers Of My Acid TearsImage for FeistyImage for “Bluebell, as well as I”Image for RedeemerImage for Volcán Galeras 12Image for Puente del diabloImage for Cascada de SandonáImage for Culebra nacienteImage for Shallow River Waters Stirred Where We’ve KissedImage for The Heart QuillImage for Dad’s PufferImage for TremorsImage for Dreams catchingImage for Paris ElevatorImage for Innerscape No.29Image for Walking with You No.3Image for The Way Things Are No.17Image for Innerscape No.30Image for MimosasImage for To encapsulateImage for Landscape at 10.25 AMImage for The Happiest Place In The WorldImage for Dolly, A Literal QueenImage for If I Were A SuperheroImage for Bath Time For PedroImage for Study (Encounter of Two Realms)Image for OxidationImage for AstrayImage for Baby One More Party SubImage for Innerscape No.31Image for In loveImage for Run Boy, RunImage for InfernoImage for Azadi 4Image for Tamanna (Desire) 3Image for Meena 2Image for Azadi 5Image for Skylark’s songImage for Innerscape No.32Image for The Way Things Are No.19Image for Innerscape No.33Image for Innerscape No.35Image for Walking with You No.4Image for Innerscape No.36Image for Innerscape No.37Image for Walking with You No.5Image for Innerscape No.38Image for The WeekndImage for Kanye WestImage for Stop n kissImage for pool and stuffImage for Hyper-SentimentalImage for The riseImage for The Meeting PlaceImage for Sea SwayImage for The Cat : Pre-Pounce PlanImage for Portrait nr. 17Image for ShineImage for TryfanImage for Sinking into ambitious thoughtsImage for Study (Hisn Chi Antiques)Image for I am your birthday cakeImage for Her ocean eyesImage for Landscape at 9.49 AMImage for SasquatchImage for My burning sunsetImage for A poisonous wallflowerImage for UpImage for The fighterImage for RisingImage for Torso Of A DreamerImage for Time to think, time to dreamImage for Salmon (green dragon)Image for White SwallowsImage for Red SwallowsImage for Yellow, Orange, Red ButterfliesImage for Pearl #5Image for Pearl #18Image for Slow FallingImage for The LightImage for It's OKImage for TwinesImage for Rondney MullenImage for Gratitude is a MustImage for ReturnImage for Yes81Image for California GamesImage for ParadiseImage for Graveyard GirlImage for Choose Wisely Board X Jimmy ChialeImage for Why ride if you can flyImage for An uncivil woman made of salt and fireImage for Liza With a ZImage for Bent N SnappedImage for It's not me, it's youImage for IndiscernibleImage for Sarracenia purpureaImage for Papaver nudicauleImage for French Toile eyesImage for Landscape at 11.32 AMImage for Flowers and DessertsImage for Amy Winehouse HANDFINISHED - love is a losing gameImage for sweetness comesImage for signalImage for halcyonImage for Passing ThroughImage for Even When We Smile, Even When We LaughImage for Nighttide HighwayImage for Skeptic tankImage for Everybody CaresImage for UproarImage for Edge (Cowllerina)Image for Sweating BulletsImage for Staying Together for the KidsImage for Relearning this word ‘mobility’Image for UpliftedImage for Springtime North LondonImage for Always Time for TulipsImage for Into The Mouth Of Sand CavesImage for Dream Painting C6Image for Dream Painting C7Image for Dream Painting C5Image for Dream Painting C3Image for Back To ItImage for TulipsImage for The Inbetween SpacesImage for watersideImage for Flower Fence 22 (#1)Image for Maybe is not better