
Oil Paint


120.0 x 80.0 cm

Year Created



I find mimosas a beautiful flower. So powerful by its meaning and color and yet so fragile. They always put me in a happy mood.

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Born in 1996 in Calle de Condesa, Centro Storico di Città del Messico, Centro, Ciudad de México, México, Messico. Currently residing in México.

2021 · La Sapienza Universita di roma


2023 · Antigua academia de San Carlos


Solo Exhibitions
Feb 3, 2024 - May 4, 2024

O gallery La Paz

Group Exhibitions
Feb 3, 2024 - May 4, 2024

O gallery La Paz

Offers & History

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$600 USD - Ask

@monica_bizzarri on April 16, 9:19pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Monica Bizzarri
Monica Bizzarri

Apr 16, 2024