
Oil Paint


80.0 x 50.0 cm

Year Created



This painting is part of a series called Frammenti. It portrays a series of unclear memories that make me feel at home. In this painting, Shadows, textures, and colors are clearer than the flower that created those textures and shadows. The time o...

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Born in 1996 in Calle de Condesa, Centro Storico di Città del Messico, Centro, Ciudad de México, México, Messico. Currently residing in México.

2021 · La Sapienza Universita di roma


2023 · Antigua academia de San Carlos


Solo Exhibitions
Feb 3, 2024 - May 4, 2024

O gallery La Paz

Group Exhibitions
Feb 3, 2024 - May 4, 2024

O gallery La Paz

Offers & History

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$400 USD - Ask

@monica_bizzarri on March 06, 11:02pm UTC

Artwork History

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Jun 12, 2024

Avatar for Monica Bizzarri
Monica Bizzarri

Mar 06, 2024