Satyan's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Satyan Chekuri





Nov 18, 2023

Image for Limpia no. 15 (Teresita Nuño)Image for Notations on ShadowsImage for Entanglement (Louise)Image for Reckoner II (Sirius)Image for This Isn't SeriousImage for The SpinsImage for ReckonerImage for WindowImage for Man Sitting With An Empty Martini GlassImage for LanternImage for Night’s CurtainImage for ToriImage for CherilynImage for CherImage for MariaImage for Beauty and her budgiesImage for Marion et les glacesImage for ArrivalImage for La danse à la luneImage for Gushing on the CliffImage for Cave TimeImage for Mystic BodyImage for It could have been the guarded advance of one who took no chancesImage for If I’m not there, can they?Image for Destiny is that which we are drawn towards and fate is that which we run intoImage for Inspired prophets of the future have been my companionsImage for That belief was a dangerous thingImage for Delphi’s Toast Crust OracleImage for LA (Shack)Image for Awakening IIImage for The BeginningImage for AutumnImage for Hanging Onto SummerImage for EvergreenImage for Plexus RevisitedImage for TidalImage for Race to the PrecipiceImage for No CountriesImage for Elisabeth, sur le rêveImage for Marion, sur le rêveImage for Rammer TimeImage for Pequeña España (Little Spain)Image for AfterpartyImage for Lineage (Blue)Image for Misterio Ancestral No. 01Image for RaveImage for Where The Wildflowers GrowImage for FigsImage for Dimmer BullImage for Oh DeerImage for Bob You CantImage for B17-04Image for PerfumeImage for Dear Pablo, You Can't Always Get What You Want, You Get What You NeedImage for Théod reithoImage for A Lotus Is A Lotus nr 10 2/3Image for UntitledImage for A Hen’s TaleImage for Madonna con BambinoImage for pinball twistImage for mpp614Image for Untitled (Rebel Pilot)Image for UntitledImage for Volar junto a tiImage for AustinImage for Slave for you 3Image for Monti FauviumImage for A barren cloud's porrous skullImage for xxxImage for sketch case with bullImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Objekt 171-3-7Image for Old Fence Near the AirfieldImage for UntitledImage for HumanImage for still for "GB_2 2017" animationImage for ArrayImage for A Lotus Is A Lotus nr. 19 2/3Image for Diego in bluesImage for Ghostcards SeriesImage for Stéphane and Karine's Kitchen, MontrealImage for “Travelogue 2023” 01Image for NoteImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for xxxImage for Pablo’s PostcardImage for Studio VisitImage for Carl and reImage for I Am Still AliveImage for I Called Everyone FirstImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Abstract 73827Image for untitled landscapeImage for UntitledImage for ViewImage for Buildings are dressed up bodies, moving through losing their materialImage for PainImage for Hornby MeditationImage for CloseImage for Breakfast in BedImage for SerotoninImage for FemininityImage for Love Notes - Once There Was A HouseImage for Love Notes - AlwaysImage for SistersImage for Twilight CarnivalImage for Tonalli Medicine no. 02Image for GrowImage for Chief Mouser
Image for Sunday MorningImage for Over the RainbowImage for Gone FishingImage for About Last NightImage for Bye Bye BirdieImage for Bedtime StoryImage for black veilImage for Soft FascinationImage for The Light That Gets LostImage for Free To WanderImage for Naked Birches In AprilImage for GritImage for Entanglement (Sheila)Image for “Liminal Space”Image for Boho LeopardImage for CandyImage for Pathway IIImage for Daisy RainImage for Picnic: Melon with KnifeImage for Still Life on Flying CarpetImage for Still Life with Sliced LemonImage for Picnic: Brioche with FlowerImage for Untitled Still LifeImage for OnwardsImage for BlackoutImage for The LiberatorImage for I’ve Never Been Quite the SameImage for JugglerImage for Passing Me ByImage for Stone AngelImage for Abney Park AngelImage for The Pelican FeederImage for “Swimmer 1”Image for VulnerabilityImage for JuneImage for StandImage for FoldImage for Disco flowersImage for ElliotImage for Maxine and friendsImage for BK06Image for BK12Image for BullfrogImage for InfinityImage for BohemianImage for Relinquishing IIImage for Winter Birch IImage for Extremo Blando (Soft Extreme)Image for If I Could Hold Your HandImage for HelicopterImage for HearImage for Eternal ShipsImage for BlowImage for FuckImage for Many EyesImage for Chemin d’hiverImage for The fall of the EmpireImage for La mutation du futureImage for Winter Birch IIImage for Les feuilles d’automneImage for The last bite of birthday cake and your eyes are getting droopy with the weight of a hugImage for Too many gummy bears and whispers of sweet syrupImage for Warmth of the SunImage for Buttered pears and a sugar-filled fever dreamImage for Memories of SummerImage for I’ve never had a peach cobblerImage for SIX POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for ONE POSTCARD MEMORYImage for TWELVE POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for Whispers of Winter IImage for SparkImage for Flor escondidaImage for EstirarImage for Cardo AlcachofaImage for TantrumImage for 1998Image for This May Leave a ScarImage for Feria de Julio 2Image for Have A Wander Before Dinner TimeImage for What is in your other hand?Image for SurgeImage for Portrait of a young manImage for NightfallImage for Unvisited PlacesImage for Be Here NowImage for The Dénia series: StarImage for The Dénia series: The Harbour FairImage for Mosaic #48Image for Cubist #3Image for CandylandImage for Veneno astralImage for Nighthawk PulseImage for Matta’s HouseImage for OriginImage for KingdomImage for Flamed and FlickeredImage for Morning AfterImage for By the waterImage for “The Human Condition”Image for Your Handwriting is Divine and Completely IllegibleImage for “Know when to fold em” IIIImage for Midtown BuildingImage for SpiderlingImage for FourImage for Bonds that BindImage for Give Her FlowersImage for Don’t Look DownImage for On the HorseImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for ExplorerImage for The DancersImage for whiskey sourImage for UntitledImage for Verbier Mountain LandscapeImage for Entangled Bloom