I’ve Never Been Quite the Same, 2017


Oil Paint


122.0 x 89.0 cm

Year Created



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Laura Thipphawong's Perspective

Living with this artwork is like

Feeling empowered by duality, sexuality, and mystery.

This artwork comments on

Change, and the big events that create a fundamental shift in your persona. My intention was for the mask to be read as kink, eccentricity, darkness, guardedness, and general otherness in contrast to the traditional femininity of the billowing white dress that the woman is wrapped in.

A random fact I love is

I name a lot of paintings after quotes or references from literature, movies, and songs. This painting is titled after a quote from a song that was on the X-Files soundtrack called Down in the Park.

I take pride in

Including multiple points of symbolism in my paintings and in using inspiration from both my emotional experiences and from my critical theory research. This painting was inspired by my own sense of tension regarding my experiences of sexuality as a woman, and was also largely informed by my thesis paper on perceptions of the docile sexual woman throughout history.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1983 in London, Ontario. Currently residing in Toronto.

2018 · University of Toronto

Master’s of Art History

2016 · OCAD University

Bachelor’s of Visual and Critical Studies

Solo Exhibitions
Dec 1, 2019 - Jan 15, 2020

Parallel Universe

Group Exhibitions
Dec 1, 2019 - Jan 15, 2020

Parallel Universe

Offers & History

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Avatar for Laura Thipphawong

$4,800 USD - Ask

@laura_thipphawong on October 27, 7:55pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Laura Thipphawong
Laura Thipphawong

Aug 31, 2023