Avatar for Zoe Lunar

Zoe Lunar









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Image for Intervals of a vanishing gaze.Image for Echoes of temporal fractures.Image for Fragments of temporal essence.Image for Fractured continuum.Image for Fragments of time and permanence.Image for In the harmony of the morning.Image for A look at a reflection.Image for Between an armor of time.Image for Parallel ReflectionsImage for Pantitlan and the persistence of the moment.Image for Discrepant Reflection.Image for Temporary reaction to the tranquility.Image for Resonance in SilenceImage for In the eternity of my reflection.Image for The agony of linear reflexes.Image for Carbonated duality.Image for Chronicles of Transience.Image for Fractured echoes of her.Image for Stealthy Dreams.Image for Distortion in Transit.Image for Extended Guidelines by the Distance of Time.Image for Nocturnal relity, a woman, a refrigerator and a watermelon.Image for Temporary reconstruction lines.Image for A Night of Gloom in the Temporal Wake.Image for Despedida.Image for A step from day to nigthImage for Vestiges of playtime.Image for Mirages of an Almost Skin Blue.Image for Perhaps Reality Does Not Terrify Us Today.Image for Detachments of a September Afternoon.Image for Maybe I'll leave in the afternoon.Image for A specific moment in time, after departure.


Zoe Lunar radiates and works in Mexico City, is a graduate of the national school of painting, sculpture and engraving "La Esmeralda". He is an artist in constant formation, who seeks plastic, visual and sound experimentation. His work feeds on ti...

Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1991 in México City. Currently residing in Mexico City, CDMX, México.

2017 · Accademia di belle arti di Macerata

Pittura e illustrazione

2017 · ENPEG “La Esmeralda”

Bachelor’s degree in visual arts

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