Andy's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Andy Gastauer





Feb 8, 2024

Image for umbrella, up a hikeImage for AmyImage for Untitled Still LifeImage for OnwardsImage for BlackoutImage for The LiberatorImage for I’ve Never Been Quite the SameImage for ElliotImage for BK06Image for BK12Image for Memories of SummerImage for Have A Wander Before Dinner TimeImage for Portrait of a young manImage for FullImage for RunwayImage for View From a CaveImage for My Mother Made Miracles Happen Claiming it Was a Guardian AngelImage for I’ve made up every thought you’ve ever hadImage for Delete your accountImage for “Untitled”Image for Existential CrisisImage for DaughterImage for Museum (1)Image for Meditation on Manhood and MasculinityImage for Without TitleImage for Central ParkImage for Striped Vase with FlowersImage for K.O.O.K.Image for Deep EndImage for Dot DashImage for UntitledImage for The Dénia series: StarImage for Ninety DegreesImage for CalliopeImage for Clay Pot with SunflowersImage for CandylandImage for HaberdasheryImage for The AlleywayImage for CascadeImage for IntegrityImage for RushesImage for EndorphinsImage for Flagella of kindnessImage for GardenImage for “The Human Condition”Image for “Pursuit of Liberty”Image for Arisha (Peace) TalksImage for “Raging Bull”Image for “Lion TamerImage for “Abundance/ Gratitude”Image for Boy in a gardenImage for BubblesImage for A palm tree whispers through its fronds and I say yesImage for “K.O”Image for “Nude”Image for Dionysus In The WildImage for Cowboy BathImage for Your Handwriting is Divine and Completely IllegibleImage for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Air RightsImage for Incessant SilhouetteImage for Lovely PainImage for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25Image for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for “Know when to fold em” IIIImage for Midtown BuildingImage for Saturday Morning BreakfastImage for Untitled 16 (Safranal)Image for SpiderlingImage for MeddleImage for Port Hope, Late FallImage for Morning Chocolate Cake IIImage for This is only a testImage for TE TRAJE FLORESImage for Flower PickersImage for Rotadora 360Image for 3 eggsImage for Big Gnarly FirImage for Taylor Creek, FallImage for Me Plus a Mother, Divided by the Spirit Could be a ManImage for Give Her FlowersImage for HeavenImage for The Frog PrinceImage for FaceblockImage for AbsolutelyImage for Summer SpritzImage for Artist tearsImage for Sunset Swimmer (2)Image for “Know when to fold em” VIImage for Black SunflowerImage for EdgelandImage for It was a Calamity made by a Collapse of a Cats CradleImage for Portrait of a CactusImage for JupiterImage for Small Cloud and TreesImage for Jealous TendenciesImage for Oh Endless DayImage for In Sickness and In HealthImage for Girls With PlantsImage for Jesus vs SatanImage for Green Chrysanthemums, Pink MirrorImage for Early Morning in Little PortugalImage for Floral MeetingImage for Cristine in the WindowImage for Reverie IIImage for Dear LawyerImage for On the HorseImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for ExplorerImage for The DancersImage for whiskey sourImage for Verbier Mountain LandscapeImage for Shine On! (#1)Image for PangeaImage for Cat Looking at PearsImage for Tide Circle StudyImage for Dear Pablo, You Can't Always Get What You Want, You Get What You NeedImage for PalimpsestImage for Ducks in TimeImage for Blue StudyImage for Rembrandt WeepingImage for UntitledImage for PhiladelphiaImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Barnard, Vermont, December 2017Image for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for The Famous Creatures
Image for ApparitionImage for Where?!Image for Le Spectre RécapitulatifImage for Hollywood MasterpieceImage for RaiseImage for Pura VidaImage for Entangled BloomImage for Fountain 1Image for Tiresias and SnakesImage for ForagerImage for Time OutImage for LA GhostImage for ConcienciaImage for Girls at NightImage for Something in the Way (Study V)Image for Burning OutImage for Time travelerImage for LeroyImage for Dead EdImage for Forest FloorImage for WishboneImage for OriginImage for Candle WickImage for CampImage for Cut OffImage for L’Origine de tous mes problèmesImage for Summer (III)Image for IrisImage for RavenImage for GiantImage for Just YouImage for In the News TodayImage for LotusImage for SpiritsImage for Art History PinupsImage for EgretImage for Summer in NootkaImage for Bat and DogImage for YawnImage for Fir NotationsImage for Waiting to BloomImage for Material Impression (Cell #1)Image for Stella BlueImage for Bangor LoveImage for Won’t You Be MineImage for GrannyImage for Yia YiaImage for I’ll Keep You WarmImage for A Penny For Your ThoughtsImage for CozyImage for Look What I CaughtImage for Claudia et les pensées qui s’envolentImage for Élise et la beauté du corps nuImage for Paris et le comptoir de l’ArcImage for This Isn't SeriousImage for Marion et les glacesImage for AutumnImage for SerotoninImage for GrowImage for Chief MouserImage for Sunday MorningImage for Over the RainbowImage for Gone FishingImage for About Last NightImage for Bye Bye BirdieImage for Passing Me ByImage for Abney Park AngelImage for InfinityImage for BohemianImage for Relinquishing IIImage for If I Could Hold Your HandImage for HelicopterImage for HearImage for Eternal ShipsImage for BlowImage for FuckImage for SIX POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for TWELVE POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for Whispers of Winter IImage for Tulips in Their FieldsImage for The Simplicity of a LineImage for AtriumImage for Snuggly WugglyImage for #710Image for Feria de Julio 01Image for Lazy daysImage for Ciclos 01Image for CabaçasImage for Old FriendsImage for #709Image for #708Image for #705Image for WoollyImage for Drawing No. 1Image for Sails on the SeaImage for Water and WoodImage for Drawing No. 2Image for Drawing No. 3Image for Drawing No. 4Image for Drawing No. 5Image for HopeImage for Water Talk 1Image for Haze(1)Image for Late AfternoonImage for Kitchen ShadowsImage for The City XXXIImage for Forever and Ever (Green)Image for Morning AfterImage for The City XXIVImage for The City XXVImage for The City XXVIImage for The City XXVIIImage for ExhaleImage for SalerImage for TiltImage for Notations on LandImage for Gold DotImage for Liberated IconImage for Cottage CoreImage for In BedImage for DizzyImage for Prom QueenImage for Made You Look!Image for BlueImage for Boy with a rainbowImage for DromedaryImage for Curling SmokeImage for CardoImage for Solitary Bride Procession