
Oil Paint


10.2 x 14.7 cm

Year Created



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Appears in Pegboards

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1983 in Brazil.

Offers & History

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Avatar for Caroline Taylor

$63.67 USD - Offer

@carolinetaylor on October 25 2023, 10:09pm UTC
Avatar for Betty Stewart

$67 USD - Sale

@betty on October 25 2023, 9:59pm UTC
Avatar for Betty Stewart

$67 USD - Offer

@betty on October 25 2023, 9:59pm UTC
Avatar for Betty Stewart

$60.64 USD - Offer

@betty on October 25 2023, 9:53pm UTC
Avatar for Caroline Taylor

$57.75 USD - Offer

@carolinetaylor on October 21 2023, 2:48pm UTC
Avatar for Betty Stewart

$55 USD - Offer

@betty on October 19 2023, 8:53pm UTC
Avatar for Betty Stewart

$50 USD - Offer

@betty on October 19 2023, 8:44pm UTC
Avatar for Caroline Taylor

$50 USD - Offer

@carolinetaylor on October 19 2023, 3:23pm UTC
Avatar for Manuela Costalima

$50 USD - Ask

@manuela_costalima on October 19 2023, 2:54pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Betty Stewart
Betty Stewart

Dec 15, 2023

Avatar for Manuela Costalima
Manuela Costalima

Oct 17, 2023

Gallery Representation