Gallery Representation
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Manuel Hernández Ruiz paints and draws. Sometimes he makes things out of pieces of wood and clay. He tries to make comics but lacks the discipline of the dedicated. His work, then, is made up of sporadic demonstrations about something that doesn't...
Manuel Hernández Ruiz paints and draws. Sometimes he makes things out of pieces of wood and clay. He tries to make comics but lacks the discipline of the dedicated. His work, then, is made up of sporadic demonstrations about something that doesn't quite know where it's going. His paintings, drawings, cutouts and cardboard figures only reveal their essence in a place outside of what was originally planned. He considers that it is difficult for him to build something fully convincing and, nevertheless, from time to time his brush mocks the idiotic safe idea that accompanies him at the beginning and declares his independence. There, hints of one or several stories that he tries to tell, of symbols that he tries to make available to the viewer, are revealed.