Circles and Cycles with Sabrina Brouwers and Taya De La Cruz, Rise Art

ABOUT Taya De La Cruz uses detailed, minuscule handwriting as a way of methodically distilling chaos into order. She invites the viewer to move closer to the work and uncover the layers of narrative. The concept of the written word is expanded an...
ABOUT Taya De La Cruz uses detailed, minuscule handwriting as a way of methodically distilling chaos into order. She invites the viewer to move closer to the work and uncover the layers of narrative. The concept of the written word is expanded and redefined by its intention, which is not necessarily legibility, but representation as a form of its own. Taya’s work is thematically centred around the human brain, and how we respond to life’s challenging events. She is particularly inspired by the psychology of overcoming hardship, and mindset required for elite performance. She focuses on finding light in the dark; difficult circumstances are made approachable and even beautiful. Her art encourages introspection and reevaluation. ARTIST BIO Taya’s artistic approach serves as an antidote to the modern expectations of pace, achievement and results. Each labour-intensive piece visually articulates the considerable amount of time taken to create it, and reinforces the message of slowing down and being present. The ultimate relationship with time. She created a new technique of painting, using medical-grade syringes and needles, which allow her to work with paint on a microscopic level. Taya is a half-Spanish, half-Indian Londoner who was raised in sleepy southern Spain and educated in Gibraltar. She trained as an actress, and expanded her discipline into visual art.
Curriculum Vitae
View AllBorn in 1984 in London. Currently residing in London.
Highly Commended Artist - Visual Art Open