Avatar for Karla Enriquez

Karla Enriquez










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Image for Seasonal Worker 3Image for Seasonal Worker 1Image for Seasonal Worker 2Image for Hermes running with a wounded child in Gaza 4Image for Hermes running with a wounded child in Gaza 3Image for Hermes running with a wounded child in Gaza 2Image for Hermes running with a wounded child in Gaza 1Image for El héroe silencioso 2Image for El héroe silenciosoImage for Minister in Power 2Image for Political Insects 2Image for Street OccupationImage for Diablo en abrigoImage for Diablos en abrigosImage for Spooky DaysImage for Abrigo AmarilloImage for Baseball waveImage for Flying softlyImage for Serve speedImage for Pitcher on his wavesImage for My forest, my showImage for ShowtimeImage for Chess beats 2Image for Chess beats 1Image for Shoot! 2Image for Shoot! 1Image for El héroe inconformeImage for ProcrathleticsImage for Running daysImage for Wavesball


In recent years, my artistic practice has fused digital art with mixed media techniques in drawing and painting to explore the narrative connections between everyday objects and the human experience of constant, and sometimes meta, connectivity. I...

Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1976 in México City, Coyoacán, México. Currently residing in Barcelona, España.

2000 · Academy of Fine Arts AdBK

Bachelor of Fine Arts

2008 · Escuela de Pintura Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda

Bachelor of Fine Arts

2006 · École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Lyon


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