Bachelors Degree

About this artwork
Artwork History

Oct 15, 2023
Peggy buyer protection
About the artist

Peter is a Canadian abstract artist, painter and writer who lives and works in Montreal. He emigrated to Canada from Bulgaria, his original country of birth, after graduating from the National Institute of Visual and Performing Arts in Sofia. With a focus on vibrant styles, he has gained recognition among industry professionals and art aficionados alike, both at home and abroad. He has participated in more than 40 solo and group exhibitions across various countries like Canada, United States, France and Bulgaria. « Peter G.Ray is one of the most exciting painters to come along in many years. He has it all : passion, intelligence, originality, and amazing powers of eidetic visualization. His works combine the virtuoso, fine brush, and hypersensitivity of Dali with the vigor and ulter freedom of Pollock. His pictures unite the extreme opposites of precision and improvisation. Perhaps his capacity to unite extremes is what gives his recent works a sense of largeness. In any event, he is an important figure who must be followed closely. » - Citation from Kenworth W.Moffett, American critic and former Curator of Contemporary Art at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1963 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Currently residing in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Acting Montreal, Canada Toronto, Canada Montreal, Canada Toronto, Canada Nominated for poet of the year by the International Society of Poets in the United States
Appears in Pegboards
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