Postgraduate Studies in Media Arts

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Anna Ehrenstein works in transdisciplinary artistic practice with an emphasis on research and mediation. She is using print, video, installation, social moments or sculpture to reverberate the intersections and divergences of high and low cultures...
Anna Ehrenstein works in transdisciplinary artistic practice with an emphasis on research and mediation. She is using print, video, installation, social moments or sculpture to reverberate the intersections and divergences of high and low cultures and their socio-economic and bio-political constitutions. Born in Germany with Albanian heritage and raised between the two cultures, realities and reflections around migration-related visual culture, diasporic narrations, networked images and the class hierarchy of pixels form main foci due to her own intercultural experiences.
Collectors of Anna Ehrenstein
View AllCurriculum Vitae
View AllThe Balkanization of the Cloud
Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics
The Balkanization of the Cloud
Fakes, Fictions, and Forensics