Kate's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Kate FitzGerald





Dec 14, 2023

Image for “Liminal Journey”Image for Cat Looking at PearsImage for Flower PickersImage for Northern LightsImage for MeddleImage for omens of a bad faithImage for TE TRAJE FLORESImage for SurferImage for Hammock GirlsImage for SwimImage for CanalImage for “St Martin”Image for Vijana mapacha IIImage for Standing Strong IIImage for “Horace”Image for Only YouImage for “Lachine Canal”Image for “Cows & Mist”Image for “We Are Here”Image for “Over There”Image for Twenty Twenty ThreeImage for Natural HabitatImage for Modigliani PinupImage for “Untitled”Image for Sublime in the Refrain (the breadmaker)Image for “Cafe Esparanza”Image for Miss Candy Shareef’s Nicki Minaj LipsyncImage for Spaghetti in the MoonlightImage for After the FrenzyImage for I‘m gonna be your number oneImage for I‘m not the kind of guy who gives up just like thatImage for “Higgins Beach”Image for Colville ProfileImage for Interlocked IceImage for Taken AdvantageImage for The GeneralImage for Untitled in greenImage for Life-sourceImage for Les Detours de Fin de ParcoursImage for Le ContactImage for “Insister Sans Faire Echo” Série des FréquencesImage for Limpia no. 17Image for Gushing on the CliffImage for TidalImage for Pequeña España (Little Spain)Image for Lineage (Blue)Image for UntitledImage for Madonna con BambinoImage for UntitledImage for ArrayImage for Diego in bluesImage for Ghostcards SeriesImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for PainImage for SistersImage for Twilight CarnivalImage for Gone FishingImage for Bedtime StoryImage for GritImage for “Liminal Space”Image for JugglerImage for Passing Me ByImage for “Swimmer 1”Image for Have A Wander Before Dinner TimeImage for Blue heartImage for My Mother Made Miracles Happen Claiming it Was a Guardian AngelImage for “Untitled”Image for The Dénia series: StarImage for Museum (1)Image for Meditation on Manhood and MasculinityImage for The Dénia series: The Harbour FairImage for Mycenae VImage for Ninety DegreesImage for The SurfImage for A palm tree whispers through its fronds and I say yesImage for The Self Clouding the SoulImage for untitled (not b&w)Image for “Court, Kay, and Ape.”Image for Guided by the Words of Wisdom, Written on the Walls of LifeImage for “Observation”Image for Cezanne’s TableImage for LibertyImage for EntityImage for I Got Mine, But I Want MoreImage for mountaintop (woodstock)Image for FirefliesImage for bedroomImage for foreverImage for dreams of tranquilityImage for The GauntletImage for Aquaphobic DuckImage for Give Her FlowersImage for Tide Circle StudyImage for PangeaImage for Summer SpritzImage for Dear Pablo, You Can't Always Get What You Want, You Get What You NeedImage for Blue StudyImage for Ducks in TimeImage for PalimpsestImage for Rembrandt WeepingImage for UntitledImage for The Famous CreaturesImage for No Title: 2309257Image for PhiladelphiaImage for Marion, sur le rêveImage for Family PortraitImage for Spanish LoversImage for Late Last WinterImage for Buck OrangesImage for DaydreamImage for Gato VoladorImage for ReflectionImage for Hampstead HeathImage for Palm Tree and HillImage for Space History at SmithsonianImage for 14. Serie: Estado AlteradoImage for UntitledImage for Dear ViewerImage for MEMORIAS Nº1Image for MEMORIAS Nº2Image for Landscape 10/13/22Image for Tree in LandscapeImage for Not Saying SoImage for We Will Touch Our FeetImage for Clock for DrunksImage for swans IImage for Banana La BolitaImage for Ocean SpiritImage for ShereneImage for Across the BoardImage for Pretty BoyImage for Stigmata (After Hans Memling)Image for Girls at NightImage for Lady In Yellow And BlueImage for Leg UpImage for Harpy EagleImage for IndigoImage for JaguarImage for Sit on the Fence ( Em Cima do Muro)Image for SmokerImage for Time travelerImage for CursiveImage for LeroyImage for Snowbound
Image for SeashellsImage for BathImage for I’m sure the moon will be alright, VIIIImage for Untitled 17 (Some Days)Image for ManifestImage for RefashionedImage for UntitledImage for Blue days on XanaxImage for AnxietyImage for UpholdImage for The bartender says, “we don’t serve time travellers in here”. A time traveller walks into a bar.Image for Untitled (Stamp Painting)Image for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Gardin al LaunImage for Night came, day came, night cameImage for MoltingImage for Skin 3Image for BroodImage for CirclingImage for Limpia no. 14 (Elisa Chang Nuno )Image for BriquetteImage for Moore FallsImage for quilt 3Image for One slice of poetry with extra feelingsImage for I’m breathing Fine IImage for IPAOC 0201Image for The first of its kindImage for Dancing GoddessesImage for Krishna Playing the FluteImage for Half Moon at Pink SunsetImage for Surfers of ItoImage for aliens of distractionImage for Fir NotationsImage for Waiting to BloomImage for Material Impression xImage for Ferretti HatImage for The Over UnderImage for Ziggurat (Green)Image for Fractures of a Frozen LandscapeImage for FloatingImage for Un Corito SagradoImage for Springtime in the GardenImage for Material Impression xiiiImage for Stella BlueImage for Won’t You Be MineImage for I’ll Keep You WarmImage for Hold Your BreathImage for Look What I CaughtImage for Maternal StrengthImage for FragmentImage for Pool IIImage for WaitingImage for Claudia et les pensées qui s’envolentImage for Élise et la beauté du corps nuImage for Paris et le comptoir de l’ArcImage for Siena en toute douceurImage for I never had a compass in my lifeImage for Hearts alien in them, whatever wildness contained thereImage for The SpinsImage for LanternImage for WindowImage for Beauty and her budgiesImage for Marion et les glacesImage for Delphi’s Toast Crust OracleImage for La danse à la luneImage for Elisabeth, sur le rêveImage for SerotoninImage for About Last NightImage for Chief MouserImage for The Pelican FeederImage for If I Could Hold Your HandImage for Memories of SummerImage for Warmth of the SunImage for Chemin d’hiverImage for SurgeImage for Whispers of Winter IImage for SinkImage for NightfallImage for RunImage for Lazy daysImage for Old FriendsImage for MirrorImage for DaughterImage for Eidolon(1)Image for Drawing No. 4Image for Central ParkImage for Drawing No. 3Image for Drawing No. 5Image for Haze(1)Image for Clay Pot with SunflowersImage for HaberdasheryImage for Kitchen ShadowsImage for The City XXVIIImage for DorothyImage for “Murky Waters”Image for Stairway of ChoiceImage for “Food tastes better this way.”Image for “Where are you from-from?”Image for Pink lightImage for BirdieImage for Hebi No. 4Image for Girl with a swanImage for TogethernessImage for Hebi No. 3Image for Poughkeepsie train stationImage for Edo No. 4Image for Edo No. 1Image for WakeImage for GiveImage for Annunciation paintingImage for Somewhere (maybe right here)Image for HereImage for ConstellationImage for Days Emerge, Lives Demand.Image for NymphaeaImage for ChiaraImage for Back PastureImage for I could not see to seeImage for Embodied Catastasis, Long Awaited Focus, Bated with Breath Stolen Early from the Breakfast TableImage for TrickImage for Study in Color # 5Image for Hathor Temple IIImage for Temple of HathorImage for Ballet of the EnchantmentsImage for Blood OrangeImage for Tabriz IImage for Pool GuysImage for Tabriz IIImage for GoodbyeImage for A Circular Argument with Infinite RegressImage for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for “Beachcomber”Image for Air RightsImage for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Girl in Floral DressImage for Morning Chocolate Cake IIImage for FourImage for Small Cloud and TreesImage for 3 eggsImage for Oh Endless DayImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for RaiseImage for Solitary Bride ProcessionImage for Forest Study II