
Acrylic Paint


26.0 x 21.0 cm

Year Created



Acrylic on wood panel


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Appears in Pegboards

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1985 in Los Angeles, California.

2007 · University of California, Los Angeles

Bachelor of Arts

2009 · Columbia University


Solo Exhibitions

All My Friends

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Avatar for Jaqueline Cedar

$1,800 USD - Ask

@jaqueline_cedar on February 13, 7:18pm UTC
Avatar for Jaqueline Cedar

$1,620 USD - Ask

@jaqueline_cedar on July 08, 7:33pm UTC
Avatar for Craig Follett

$1,620 USD - Offer

@craig on July 08, 5:48pm UTC
Avatar for Craig Follett

$1,620 USD - Sale

@craig on July 09, 7:33pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Craig Follett
Craig Follett

Aug 16, 2023

Avatar for Jaqueline Cedar
Jaqueline Cedar

Feb 02, 2023

Gallery Representation