Personal Favs

Avatar for Adam Meghji





Mar 7, 2025

Image for A Chair, AloneImage for Bat catImage for The hands that opened the daysImage for zainab’s wisdom II (if even by a thread)Image for Those Around YouImage for Wide Smile.Image for Mountains and a riverImage for Tondo - YellowImage for Tondo BlueImage for Sega KidImage for Visualizing the Amplitude of a Sound Waves DeImage for Mr. No FunImage for EstasiImage for What’s It All About?Image for Icy TouchImage for FlowersImage for Recardos PizzaImage for Know One Knows, Let’s Find OutImage for Planned ObsolescenceImage for PainterImage for Summer MorningsImage for DalmatasImage for & AgainImage for Don’t Forget the Ice!Image for Cracked MindsImage for Wing SingersImage for Tower of PowerImage for ParadiseImage for DuskImage for “Where are you from-from?”Image for Gratitude is a MustImage for Slow FallingImage for Martini and ShrimpImage for The Theosophical SocietyImage for The Theosophical SocietyImage for ChangeImage for Teenage DreamImage for Feria de Julio 01Image for My Mother Made Miracles Happen Claiming it Was a Guardian AngelImage for Shine On! (#1)Image for A Lotus Is A Lotus nr. 19 2/3Image for Un Corito SagradoImage for Springtime in the GardenImage for Well Timed Inappropriate HumourImage for The Over UnderImage for Summer SpritzImage for Late AfternoonImage for Untitled (steps)Image for aliens of distraction
Image for Play With The ShadowsImage for Portrait of a CactusImage for It was a Calamity made by a Collapse of a Cats CradleImage for Plucked from the EarthImage for Early Evening Late JulyImage for A los buitres los sacamosImage for RuffleImage for Twenty Twenty ThreeImage for Aquí vive genteImage for We Will Touch Our FeetImage for ClocksImage for MoltingImage for Smoke BreakImage for Behind UsImage for Paper fold 03Image for CapicúImage for I’m sure the moon will be alright, VIIIImage for FaceblockImage for Clock for DrunksImage for Time travelerImage for Ce que renferment les dunesImage for Girls at NightImage for Harpy EagleImage for 500 Brushstrokes #73 五百笔 #73Image for 500 Brushstrokes #78 五百笔 #78Image for ShereneImage for HeavenImage for All Pigs Go To HellImage for Jesus vs SatanImage for De día el silencio, de no ver el temorImage for CardoImage for Detroit MasterpieceImage for Love KateImage for Serie: Estado alteradoImage for MEMORIAS Nº1Image for Acullico Coca Leaf Replaces My HeadImage for MEMORIAS Nº2Image for 9. Serie: Estado AlteradoImage for Not Yet TitledImage for ColaboraImage for Dot MatrixImage for PILE_021Image for PILE_016Image for “Know when to fold em” IVImage for Palm Tree and HillImage for Gato VoladorImage for The Mind’s EyeImage for PILE_014Image for Little Vault