Francisco's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Francisco Sanchez





Jan 21, 2024

Image for GrannyImage for Yia YiaImage for I’ll Keep You WarmImage for CozyImage for Hold Your BreathImage for ProspectImage for Cut Out IIImage for Block IIImage for PersevereImage for A Beautiful AcheImage for Entanglement (Louise)Image for This Isn't SeriousImage for ReckonerImage for WindowImage for Mystic BodyImage for AutumnImage for Hanging Onto SummerImage for SerotoninImage for GrowImage for Chief MouserImage for Sunday MorningImage for Naked Birches In AprilImage for StandImage for FoldImage for BullfrogImage for BlowImage for Chemin d’hiverImage for Winter Birch IIImage for Les feuilles d’automneImage for SIX POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for ONE POSTCARD MEMORYImage for TWELVE POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for Whispers of Winter IImage for EstirarImage for AtriumImage for Snuggly WugglyImage for After GRImage for #710Image for Lazy daysImage for Jazz of the moonImage for Broken guitarImage for StrelitziaImage for CabaçasImage for Wood Land VImage for Drawing No. 4Image for HopeImage for Haze(1)Image for Pear StudyImage for Late AfternoonImage for The City XXXIImage for The City XXIIIImage for Autumn’s GloryImage for Morning AfterImage for By the waterImage for The City XXIVImage for The City XXVImage for The City XXVIImage for The City XXVIIImage for ExhaleImage for SalerImage for TiltImage for Notations on LandImage for Entanglement: GathieImage for Red DotImage for Gold DotImage for Liberated IconImage for In BedImage for BlueImage for Baby, it’s cold outsideImage for DizzyImage for Prom QueenImage for BlueImage for “A Glimpse of Glory”Image for SleepyImage for Boss BarbieImage for BarbieImage for AmyImage for Pawn 5Image for “Murky Waters”Image for Forever and Ever (Peach study 1)Image for Forever and Ever (Green Study)Image for BirdieImage for LA (Flood)Image for Hebi No. 4Image for Hebi No. 3Image for Silva No. 4Image for Silva No. 5Image for Sands No. 9Image for Edo No. 4Image for Edo No. 1Image for Celeste No. 10Image for HollyhocksImage for Above/BelowImage for Desert RoseImage for ConstellationImage for NymphaeaImage for Days Emerge, Lives Demand.Image for Within InconveniencesImage for Low TideImage for ChiaraImage for A Concern Within a ConcernImage for “The Bull Fighter”Image for FragmentumImage for Platform AscendingImage for Running Up That Hill,Image for Resting In The BalanceImage for My Rifle, My Pony and MeImage for Paper MemoryImage for Paper Memory 2Image for Paper Memory 3Image for Valley of the QueensImage for Paper Memory 4Image for HypnogogicImage for Temple of HathorImage for DenderaImage for Blood OrangeImage for A Little Birdie Told MeImage for In the Titcomb Basin (Wind River Mountains, WY)Image for Reflected Sunset at Bryce CanyonImage for “Crowning”Image for Loving What IsImage for Darkest HourImage for A Circular Argument with Infinite RegressImage for Long Lake in the Lost SierraImage for Figure (1)Image for Ship 1Image for Ship 2Image for Forest Study IImage for Prism 7/22Image for Landscape Study VImage for A Crowded TheaterImage for Let Go of Me!Image for A Many-splendored ThingImage for Pay PhoneImage for SpacesuitImage for TanagerImage for UntitledImage for One Last TimeImage for LasagnaImage for When Sunny Gets BlueImage for Minor Ungraceful HabitsImage for Paint BlobsImage for Call MeImage for CrimsonImage for Green roseImage for NightImage for Asbestos quarryImage for volcanoImage for Tiger LadyImage for The ButchersImage for Keep WalkingImage for Anartia AmatheaImage for A Leaf MomentImage for Girl with a flowerImage for Bird on a lake. From the Sketches series.Image for DivineImage for Girl with a birdImage for Barkin' Begonias
Image for Re-entryImage for Without InconveniencesImage for Please Do Leave Quietly, The Floorboards Creak when you WalkImage for Matchbox TeddyImage for GlueImage for Scorpio RisingImage for New York City RainfallImage for UnitedImage for Bel AmiImage for Red Painted WomanImage for Splat Cat (Pink)Image for AngelImage for ValleyImage for Through The BlindsImage for SaigonImage for SynchronicityImage for Fall trees in SunImage for 07. South of ItalyImage for Round Two (on canvas board)Image for Homemade Cookies  (Ios)Image for Fall Flowers (on canvas board)Image for Sunset SilhouetteImage for Poisoned WorldImage for The ThroneImage for 06. White Rose mallow HibiscusImage for Speckled Poinsettia and Pine ConesImage for White daises and Chrysanthemum bouquetImage for Alstroemeria and Lisianthus in VaseImage for Tree in SunImage for El ConquistadorImage for ChapelImage for 15. Pepsi ChildhoodImage for Dreamscape of Somewhere In PeruImage for 04. Kalloon DogImage for Silent ShoutingImage for PeepImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Nature’s Gestures - Mushroom IIIImage for Everything MattersImage for The ChaosImage for 03. HalleImage for Maybe is not betterImage for It comes and goes. Always interruptingImage for Pieced together. Tension. WrinklesImage for Nature’s Gestures - Mushroom IIIImage for 08. Embers In The WaterImage for 05. Eyes on MeImage for 09. holding on to lastImage for Metal SunImage for Crystal or GlassImage for 12. from dad - outside: tile 01Image for umbrella, up a hikeImage for humid, errandsImage for Sunset Peaking inImage for I Wanna Be With You EverywhereImage for You Know That I’m Falling & I Don’t Know What To SayImage for 10. Come Along, BabyImage for “I Have a Question - Can I Kiss You?”Image for Can’t Wait To See You NextImage for Kisses Sweet As HoneyImage for 13. The BatImage for Amsterdam BlueImage for In Your Absence It Is WrittenImage for 14. ShelterImage for 19. Champagne PoetryImage for LavaImage for MicrodoseImage for SpaceImage for 16. MatchImage for 21. Peonies and JunkImage for HaphazardImage for PompeiiImage for ShaktiImage for Ardour GustImage for Leave Before You Love MeImage for 17. PostsImage for 20. Shifting RealitiesImage for ScrunchieImage for Radiant (on her knees)Image for Painting BraidsImage for 23. Daan DistrictImage for UntitledImage for Dragon SkinImage for SylvesterImage for 25. are materialImage for 24. Natural IntentionsImage for Mosaic of Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus”Image for Biophilia and the Animalistic Tendencies in HumansImage for From within, and belowImage for The Theosophical SocietyImage for Web of LifeImage for Sacred PlaceImage for Staring Into The AbyssImage for Dream Collage #9Image for Dream Collage #10Image for Dream Collage #12Image for Dream Collage #13Image for Dream Collage #41Image for Dionysus In The WildImage for Cowboy BathImage for Your Handwriting is Divine and Completely IllegibleImage for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Air RightsImage for Incessant SilhouetteImage for Lovely PainImage for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25Image for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Midtown BuildingImage for Untitled 16 (Safranal)Image for VesselImage for SpiderlingImage for FourImage for Morning Chocolate Cake IIImage for This is only a testImage for Rotadora 360Image for DromedaryImage for Curling SmokeImage for Don’t Look DownImage for Load BeareresImage for HeavenImage for FaceblockImage for AbsolutelyImage for “Know when to fold em” VIImage for Black SunflowerImage for Small Cloud and TreesImage for Jealous TendenciesImage for Girls With PlantsImage for Jesus vs SatanImage for What if I FeelImage for The Mind’s EyeImage for Reverie IIImage for Dear LawyerImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for ExplorerImage for The DancersImage for whiskey sourImage for Le Spectre RécapitulatifImage for Hollywood MasterpieceImage for RaiseImage for TaxonomyImage for Solitary Bride ProcessionImage for Pura VidaImage for Entangled BloomImage for Untitled (ogive I)Image for IPAOC 0231Image for IPAOC 0179Image for Forest Study IIImage for NymphImage for A moment of surrenderImage for “Young Lady Sleeping on Sofa Under Weighted Blanket”Image for No Unit of MeasurementImage for Miss Karen Elson 2Image for Miss Karen ElsonImage for Self-portrait Study #1Image for Incongruous Relations.Image for New Life Religions