Ramesh's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Ramesh Lekshmynarayanan





Jan 28, 2024

Image for Incongruous Relations.Image for Port Hope, Late FallImage for WaitingImage for Claudia et les pensées qui s’envolentImage for Élise et la beauté du corps nuImage for Paris et le comptoir de l’ArcImage for Siena en toute douceurImage for A Beautiful AcheImage for Marion et les glacesImage for La danse à la luneImage for ArrivalImage for Gushing on the CliffImage for UntitledImage for Studio VisitImage for ViewImage for Hornby MeditationImage for FemininityImage for Twilight CarnivalImage for Chief MouserImage for Soft FascinationImage for The Light That Gets LostImage for Free To WanderImage for Naked Birches In AprilImage for GritImage for Passing Me ByImage for Stone AngelImage for Abney Park AngelImage for Winter Birch IIImage for Warmth of the SunImage for Memories of SummerImage for Unvisited PlacesImage for Be Here NowImage for Tulips in Their FieldsImage for The Simplicity of a LineImage for AquariumImage for DaughterImage for Museum (1)Image for Questions of TravelImage for Without TitleImage for Central ParkImage for Drawing No. 3Image for Eidolon(1)Image for The FallsImage for Coral Flowers in a tall VaseImage for Under the seaImage for The Dénia series: StarImage for The Dénia series: The Harbour FairImage for The Dénia series: Sunset IIIImage for Mycenae VImage for Veneno astralImage for The AlleywayImage for CascadeImage for By the waterImage for IntegrityImage for The City XXVImage for The City XXVIImage for The City XXVIIImage for EndorphinsImage for Flagella of kindnessImage for “The Human Condition”Image for “Wild Horses”Image for Liberated IconImage for SanctuaryImage for A palm tree whispers through its fronds and I say yesImage for “Nude”Image for Pawn 5Image for Enlighten My Valley of TrustImage for After the Darkest Hour, We CelebrateImage for Second waveImage for Forever and Ever (Peach study 1)Image for “Observation”Image for Forever and Ever (Green Study)Image for The PathImage for SoulmatesImage for TogethernessImage for LibertyImage for The companionsImage for SeaforthImage for “Blue Nude”
Image for Silva No. 4Image for Silva No. 5Image for Sands No. 9Image for Celeste No. 10Image for GiveImage for WakeImage for CateneImage for bedroomImage for foreverImage for ChiaraImage for Back PastureImage for A Concern Within a ConcernImage for Embodied Catastasis, Long Awaited Focus, Bated with Breath Stolen Early from the Breakfast TableImage for CaelumImage for Running Up That Hill,Image for For Whom The Night RisesImage for Study in Color # 5Image for IPAOC 0177Image for IPAOC0 178Image for Blood OrangeImage for “Leopard Attacking a Bull”Image for In the Titcomb Basin (Wind River Mountains, WY)Image for Tabriz IImage for Figure (1)Image for Say SomethingImage for Azu-ladoImage for SkyfallImage for English SummerImage for Blinding LightsImage for A portrait of a Lady in the mirrorImage for SurrealismImage for EscapeImage for Brave New WorldImage for Bird on a lake. From the Sketches series.Image for New York City RainfallImage for UnitedImage for Red Painted WomanImage for Splat Cat (Pink)Image for Tangarine DreamsImage for Earth's VibrationImage for Long NightImage for El ConquistadorImage for Dreamscape of Somewhere In PeruImage for Amsterdam BlueImage for MicrodoseImage for IceImage for OroImage for PompeiiImage for Purple ReignImage for SylvesterImage for From within, and belowImage for WARPImage for Cry of the TulipsImage for Paper hands touch meImage for Sea AnemoneImage for Skinny DippingImage for Iron SkyImage for Feather WallsImage for Closer Than BeforeImage for Formation 1Image for Formation 2Image for Formation 3Image for Incessant SilhouetteImage for SpiderlingImage for 3 eggsImage for Blue StudyImage for UntitledImage for I Can’t Hear YouImage for Feria de Julio 01Image for Marion, sur le rêveImage for Green Error Complex 5Image for IPAOC 0231Image for NymphImage for Citron YellowImage for Lac MassawippiImage for 06. White Rose mallow HibiscusImage for 09. holding on to lastImage for 12. from dad - outside: tile 01