
Mixed Media


75.0 x 65.0 cm

Year Created



This art piece, titled "I Want You," is a vibrant and rebellious take on the iconic Uncle Sam poster. The central figure is reimagined with expressive, almost caricature-like features, engulfed in a chaos of vivid graffiti-style elements. A bold n...

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Born in 1980 in Tucson, Arizona. Currently residing in Houston, TX, USA.

2006 · University of Arizona

Bachelors Degree

Solo Exhibitions
Jan 21, 2023 - Apr 21, 2023

Galeria Seis Zero

Dec 1, 2022 - Jan 21, 2023

Distrito 60

Group Exhibitions
Jan 21, 2023 - Apr 21, 2023

Galeria Seis Zero

Dec 1, 2022 - Jan 21, 2023

Distrito 60

Offers & History

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$2,000 USD - Ask

@roberto_fernando_salmon on March 22, 3:36am UTC

Artwork History

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