Masha's Saved Artworks

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Feb 11, 2024

Image for Forest FloorImage for GroundcoverImage for WishboneImage for OriginImage for CandlelightImage for TwigsImage for RippleImage for Snow BlindImage for Candle WickImage for SnowboundImage for Night VisionImage for Cut OffImage for 1999 / A Search for Meaning and the Death of DiscoveryImage for Pink stripes with vase (decorated after Matisse tablecloth)Image for Blue days on XanaxImage for Paper fold 02Image for AnxietyImage for Nicole's DaughterImage for UntitledImage for Gardin al LaunImage for More loveImage for CirclingImage for purple haze #1Image for purple haze #2Image for without envyImage for outer space is not homeImage for throwing flameImage for emuImage for quilt 3Image for The first of its kindImage for Golden DaysImage for In the News TodayImage for EgretImage for aliens of distractionImage for Se Ignoraban (The Ignored)Image for Key WestImage for Material Impression (fur)Image for A Little Bit of PinkImage for Material Impression (Cell #1)Image for Star of the County DownImage for Sunday BestImage for Won’t You Be MineImage for CozyImage for Maternal StrengthImage for ProspectImage for Cut Out IIImage for PersevereImage for Pool IIImage for Paris et le comptoir de l’ArcImage for About Last NightImage for Bye Bye BirdieImage for Naked Birches In AprilImage for Stone AngelImage for StandImage for BullfrogImage for BohemianImage for Winter Birch IImage for Extremo Blando (Soft Extreme)Image for If I Could Hold Your HandImage for HearImage for Eternal ShipsImage for BlowImage for Chemin d’hiverImage for SIX POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for TWELVE POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for Whispers of Winter IImage for What is in your other hand?Image for After GRImage for #710Image for Old FriendsImage for #709Image for #708Image for Drawing No. 1Image for Drawing No. 4Image for Pear StudyImage for The City XXXIImage for The City XXVImage for The City XXVIIImage for TiltImage for Prom QueenImage for Pink lightImage for PlumeImage for “Blue Nude”Image for So JadedImage for Edo No. 4Image for Edo No. 1Image for Days Emerge, Lives Demand.Image for A Concern Within a ConcernImage for Paper Memory 3Image for Temple of HathorImage for Blood OrangeImage for “Leopard Attacking a Bull”Image for Making it WorkImage for “Crowning”Image for Darkest HourImage for GoodbyeImage for Long Lake in the Lost SierraImage for Forest Study IImage for Landscape Study VImage for UntitledImage for Lluvia negraImage for Azu-ladoImage for EscapeImage for Call MeImage for volcanoImage for Whirring, Rippling, BubblingImage for The ButchersImage for Keep WalkingImage for Bird on a lake. From the Sketches series.Image for Singin'!Image for Barkin' Begonias
Image for Without InconveniencesImage for Matchbox TeddyImage for Jovial PigImage for Bees Brown CowImage for New York City RainfallImage for UnitedImage for Bel AmiImage for Sheep Below the Star of BethlehemImage for Black Bear Cub Red BerriesImage for Splat Cat (Pink)Image for Fall trees in SunImage for Round Two (on canvas board)Image for Homemade Cookies  (Ios)Image for Sunset SilhouetteImage for Poisoned WorldImage for The ThroneImage for Confessions of a MadameImage for Duchess No.1Image for Feeling PrattImage for BloomImage for El ConquistadorImage for ChapelImage for UntitledImage for cool breeze, old friendImage for umbrella, up a hikeImage for humid, errandsImage for Sunset Peaking inImage for Amsterdam BlueImage for In Your Absence It Is WrittenImage for Ardour GustImage for Biophilia and the Animalistic Tendencies in HumansImage for From within, and belowImage for The Theosophical SocietyImage for Dream Collage #12Image for Even in this wicked townImage for Kind-ofImage for Dawn of VenusImage for Golden DaffodilsImage for Sea AnemoneImage for After tideImage for Martini and ShrimpImage for That conversationImage for Formation 1Image for Formation 2Image for Formation 3Image for UnbornImage for Waning Crescent MoonImage for Irrepressible 4Image for Mount EigerImage for UntitledImage for hysterical #9, The Laughter of the MedusaImage for Twin Cheetah with an Emerald CollarImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Dancing LightImage for Aollani RoseImage for UntitledImage for Drama QueenImage for Birthday Flowers (on canvas paper)Image for A Dream Within a DreamImage for Sew Me a New WorldImage for “Hope”Image for Green NetImage for Funky BunnyImage for Blurred SapImage for CamImage for Untitled #3Image for Fault LineImage for Ballet Slippers TestImage for Waking SpringImage for Lipstick TestImage for TessaImage for MuddyImage for Offset LacquerImage for Offset BandsImage for YumiImage for PairImage for LinearImage for SummerImage for AprilImage for NickleImage for Stone BlockImage for StepImage for Orange SlippersImage for Mid SummerImage for StoneImage for Incessant SilhouetteImage for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Rotadora 360Image for 3 eggsImage for Curling SmokeImage for AbsolutelyImage for Small Cloud and TreesImage for Green Chrysanthemums, Pink MirrorImage for Floral MeetingImage for What if I FeelImage for The Mind’s EyeImage for Reverie IIImage for Dear LawyerImage for On the HorseImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for Le Spectre RécapitulatifImage for Pura VidaImage for Entangled BloomImage for Forest Study IIImage for Rainbow LynxImage for “Young Lady Sleeping on Sofa Under Weighted Blanket”Image for No Unit of MeasurementImage for Self-portrait Study #1Image for Suzanne Valadon’s MontmartreImage for New Life Religions