DW's Saved Artworks

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Jul 4, 2024

Image for SplashImage for A Love StoryImage for Bird's-eye view at 10.12 AMImage for We Are Family!Image for Her Morning RunImage for PollyImage for The Snowball EffectImage for Bird's-eye view at 10.13 AMImage for Bird's-eye view at 10.14 AMImage for House No.1Image for any route will get you thereImage for A Key to My WingsImage for That Goddess of TurmoilImage for Landscape at 7.19 PMImage for Emser TileImage for AlessiImage for Teatro del MondoImage for Happy DogImage for Claire Blue llImage for ValleyImage for The First OneImage for PeoniesImage for Fly birdie, fly!Image for ship in the skyImage for Bird's-eye view at 10.15 AMImage for Golden Pixels: Daffodil SerenadeImage for Crystal Tulips: Aquatic DreamImage for Depressed cloudsImage for Recomposed VibranceImage for CinderellaImage for PMFS101Image for BDBLWOSImage for RBCD8Image for BLBMDAC2Image for MBLO211Image for CSVPYP006Image for PLIFBSLPImage for MLPSBFPFOImage for BLSW20Image for TLTBG21SImage for YGBGGFCMImage for CFBSBG
Image for CFBB101GSGImage for CFBMPSGWImage for ComebackImage for CelebrationImage for Is This It? Limited Edition PrintImage for Start Where You AreImage for A Shell Of My Former SelfImage for Refresh 2Image for “Untitled”Image for ReggieImage for Pool at 3PMImage for Taste of SpringImage for Mingo PointImage for The faint unseenImage for Uma tarde de Verão (A summer afternoon)Image for ANTIGUA LANDSCAPEImage for ANTIGUA LANDSCAPEImage for HamptonsImage for Courte (Court)Image for Bar de Praia (Beach bar)Image for A mansão (The mansion)Image for Memorial AngelImage for Flux #13Image for Logs from the Wild Pacific Coast, British Columbia - Page IIIImage for Logs from the Wild Pacific Coast, British Columbia - Page IImage for Tryst with DestinyImage for You&me that dayImage for With LoveImage for frog + rabbitImage for CamelliaImage for Lemonade StandImage for BreakwaterImage for I Feel Pretty!Image for Lion's RoarImage for Clouds of Green, Cracks of GoldImage for CamoImage for Blossom in the VoidImage for Study (untitled)Image for 21. Peonies and JunkImage for Late AfternoonImage for Games at TwilightImage for Pool at 9PM