Jacqueline's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Jacqueline Leighton





Jan 14, 2024

Image for The City XXVIIImage for SalerImage for Red DotImage for Cottage CoreImage for In BedImage for BlueImage for Baby, it’s cold outsideImage for DizzyImage for Prom QueenImage for “A Glimpse of Glory”Image for SleepyImage for Bedtime StoryImage for Suburban BarbieImage for AmyImage for DorothyImage for Pink lightImage for Girl with a swanImage for PlumeImage for “Blue Nude”Image for RelevoImage for So JadedImage for Ghetto dreamsImage for Silva No. 4Image for Silva No. 5Image for Sands No. 9Image for Edo No. 4Image for Edo No. 1Image for Celeste No. 10Image for ConstellationImage for NymphaeaImage for Study in Color # 5Image for Blair WarningImage for Blood OrangeImage for A Little Birdie Told MeImage for Long Lake in the Lost SierraImage for Forest Study IImage for Prism 7/22Image for Landscape Study VImage for Let Go of Me!Image for A Many-splendored ThingImage for Pay PhoneImage for UntitledImage for LasagnaImage for GrasshopperImage for The Black AngelImage for CrimsonImage for Whirring, Rippling, BubblingImage for The ButchersImage for Rustic CharmImage for The Little PumpkinImage for A Taste of EverythingImage for The Long OneImage for Keep WalkingImage for DivineImage for Singin'!Image for Barkin' BegoniasImage for Re-entryImage for Girl with flowersImage for Without InconveniencesImage for Please Do Leave Quietly, The Floorboards Creak when you WalkImage for Matchbox Teddy
Image for GlueImage for Jovial PigImage for Bees Brown CowImage for New York City RainfallImage for UnitedImage for Bel AmiImage for Red Painted WomanImage for Sheep Below the Star of BethlehemImage for Black Bear Cub Red BerriesImage for Splat Cat (Pink)Image for Earth's VibrationImage for 07. South of ItalyImage for Sunset SilhouetteImage for Speckled Poinsettia and Pine ConesImage for Snowy StreetImage for Tree in SunImage for Duchess No.1Image for Feeling PrattImage for Cowboy BathImage for Your Handwriting is Divine and Completely IllegibleImage for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Air RightsImage for Incessant SilhouetteImage for Lovely PainImage for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Saturday Morning BreakfastImage for Untitled 16 (Safranal)Image for Morning Chocolate Cake IIImage for Rotadora 360Image for 3 eggsImage for DromedaryImage for Curling SmokeImage for Load BeareresImage for FaceblockImage for Small Cloud and TreesImage for Green Chrysanthemums, Pink MirrorImage for Floral MeetingImage for Cristine in the WindowImage for What if I FeelImage for Reverie IIImage for CardoImage for On the HorseImage for ExplorerImage for The DancersImage for whiskey sourImage for Hollywood MasterpieceImage for RaiseImage for TaxonomyImage for Solitary Bride ProcessionImage for Pura VidaImage for Entangled BloomImage for IPAOC 0231Image for IPAOC 0179Image for Forest Study IIImage for A moment of surrenderImage for Rainbow LynxImage for Miss Karen Elson 2Image for Self-portrait Study #1Image for Incongruous Relations.Image for New Life Religions