Jo's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Jo Beads





Feb 8, 2024

Image for Pear StudyImage for The City XXXIImage for The City XXIIIImage for Autumn’s GloryImage for The City XXVImage for BlueImage for Pink lightImage for LA (Flood)Image for Days Emerge, Lives Demand.Image for Within InconveniencesImage for Low TideImage for ChiaraImage for A Concern Within a ConcernImage for “The Bull Fighter”Image for Study in Color # 5Image for Paper MemoryImage for In the Titcomb Basin (Wind River Mountains, WY)Image for Reflected Sunset at Bryce CanyonImage for Loving What IsImage for Darkest HourImage for GoodbyeImage for Figure (1)Image for Ship 1Image for Ship 2Image for Prism 7/22Image for A Many-splendored ThingImage for Pay PhoneImage for TanagerImage for LasagnaImage for GrasshopperImage for Blue roseImage for Green roseImage for NightImage for Asbestos quarryImage for A bird womanImage for volcanoImage for Whirring, Rippling, BubblingImage for Keep WalkingImage for Anartia AmatheaImage for Re-entryImage for Jovial PigImage for Bees Brown CowImage for New York City RainfallImage for Red Painted WomanImage for SaigonImage for Speckled Poinsettia and Pine ConesImage for El ConquistadorImage for ChapelImage for Dreamscape of Somewhere In PeruImage for Silent ShoutingImage for Nature’s Gestures - Mushroom IIIImage for Everything MattersImage for 8pm, forgot a laptopImage for cool breeze, old friendImage for humid, errandsImage for Sleeping BeautyImage for Sunset Peaking inImage for The Theosophical SocietyImage for Sacred PlaceImage for Dream Collage #12Image for Dream Collage #13Image for Dream Collage #41Image for Peat SproutsImage for The EthNic Man, StifledImage for WARPImage for The BirdImage for YESImage for POOImage for Golden DaffodilsImage for Sea AnemoneImage for Skinny DippingImage for Iron SkyImage for After tide
Image for In to deepImage for The Ripple EffectImage for A Summer StormImage for Wild FireImage for That conversationImage for ButterflyImage for Formation 2Image for Formation 3Image for When We Talk In The DarkImage for Harry HoudiniImage for UnbornImage for Packard Twin Six 1916Image for Wednesday AddamsImage for Gold MountainImage for The Entanglement of Dirt and WindImage for Too SoonImage for Waning Crescent MoonImage for Mount EigerImage for ZOMBIE HEAD (no one misses you until you're gone)Image for hysterical #9, The Laughter of the MedusaImage for LeapImage for Meet me at the motelImage for Dancing LightImage for Capo GodImage for Aollani RoseImage for FloraImage for Birthday Flowers (on canvas paper)Image for Profile (Right)Image for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Incessant SilhouetteImage for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25Image for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Midtown BuildingImage for Untitled 16 (Safranal)Image for VesselImage for SpiderlingImage for Morning Chocolate Cake IIImage for 3 eggsImage for Curling SmokeImage for Load BeareresImage for Black SunflowerImage for Jealous TendenciesImage for Girls With PlantsImage for Green Chrysanthemums, Pink MirrorImage for Floral MeetingImage for Cristine in the WindowImage for The Mind’s EyeImage for Reverie IIImage for CardoImage for On the HorseImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for ExplorerImage for The DancersImage for whiskey sourImage for Le Spectre RécapitulatifImage for Hollywood MasterpieceImage for TaxonomyImage for I Can’t Hear YouImage for Green Error Complex 5Image for IPAOC 0231Image for IPAOC 0179Image for Forest Study IIImage for NymphImage for Rainbow LynxImage for man at windowImage for No Unit of MeasurementImage for Self-portrait Study #1Image for ButterfliesImage for The ChaosImage for 10. Come Along, BabyImage for 23. Daan DistrictImage for Untitled