Jess's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Jess Carthy





Jun 9, 2024

Image for MagicianImage for DrinkImage for Flower PowerImage for Wardrobe of CreationImage for CoexistenceImage for TAP Untitled 4Image for Falling OceanImage for End of An EraImage for Circling ForwardImage for Upside downImage for Who I am ?Image for paradise is nowImage for ME 2Image for Chasing RabbidsImage for What It Takes to Get Back UpImage for Gbekre IImage for Deliquesce - IsolationImage for Laughing PerfumeImage for OrchidImage for Smoking in the rainImage for L’Origine de tous mes problèmesImage for JaguarImage for MidnightImage for Speeding Up and Up the Blue SpiralImage for “Cows & Mist”Image for Even in this wicked townImage for DancersImage for “Hope”Image for Now Heavier, Now LighterImage for The Narcissist who saved himselfImage for La dame de coeurImage for The Fortuneteller’s DreamImage for Heated PoolImage for Irrepressible 4Image for Twin Cheetah with an Emerald CollarImage for Falling For YouImage for “Cafe Esparanza”
Image for “Liminal Journey”Image for Tiger LadyImage for Earth's VibrationImage for Poison MoonImage for UntitledImage for PassionsImage for Venus Amongst CactiImage for What if I FeelImage for Forever and Ever (Green)Image for Amsterdam BlueImage for A Jukebox Introduced UsImage for Four Yellow ChrysanthemumsImage for Blue StudyImage for “Shower Scene”Image for I’m breathing Fine IImage for The GeneralImage for Vijana mapacha IIImage for UntitledImage for Standing Strong IIImage for GlueImage for Bel AmiImage for Red Painted WomanImage for Lac MassawippiImage for The DancerImage for ChapelImage for ouroborosImage for The EthNic Man, StifledImage for The Color of GraceImage for Skinny DippingImage for A touch of the EarthImage for Martini and ShrimpImage for 15, 18, 21Image for Girl in Floral DressImage for Sun PlantImage for The ChaosImage for 13. The Bat