sarah's Saved Artworks

Avatar for sarah Purtell





Jan 5, 2024

Image for Daisy RainImage for Memories of SummerImage for SIX POSTCARD MEMORIESImage for Tulips in Their FieldsImage for Sails on the SeaImage for San DieguitoImage for Striped Vase with FlowersImage for Coral Flowers in a tall VaseImage for Haze(1)Image for The Dénia series: StarImage for The Dénia series: The Harbour FairImage for Peggy’s CoveImage for HaberdasheryImage for Morning AfterImage for Red DotImage for Liberated IconImage for In BedImage for Fire MosaicImage for Boy with a rainbowImage for SleepyImage for Guided by the Words of Wisdom, Written on the Walls of LifeImage for “Observation”Image for EntityImage for HollyhocksImage for ConstellationImage for Back PastureImage for A Concern Within a ConcernImage for Study in Color # 5Image for Blood OrangeImage for Let It GoImage for Passerby
Image for Forgotten MindsImage for One Of Those DaysImage for I Can’t Feel Your HeartbeatImage for TanagerImage for SpinneretImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for UntitledImage for Half Past MidnightImage for Out Of The SkyImage for Passing ByImage for English SummerImage for Blinding LightsImage for Bird on a lake. From the Sketches series.Image for Barkin' BegoniasImage for New York City RainfallImage for Red Painted WomanImage for Lac MassawippiImage for Port Hope, Late FallImage for Early Morning in Little PortugalImage for Untitled 18 (Unfading)Image for Solitary Bride ProcessionImage for Res ExtensaImage for Pink LadyImage for Forget me notImage for IPAOC 0231Image for IPAOC 0179Image for Forest Study IIImage for ultrasoundImage for Search