Cassandra's Saved Artworks

Avatar for Cassandra Loch





Feb 24, 2024

Image for “The Macdonald Sisters”Image for Falling ApplesImage for Consume MeImage for Snakes & LaddersImage for AddictionImage for Table for OneImage for Sew Me a New WorldImage for Untitled-100520Image for Untitled-090620Image for Funky BunnyImage for Blurred SapImage for LakeImage for CamImage for Untitled #3Image for Fault LineImage for FallingImage for Ballet Slippers TestImage for Waking SpringImage for Lipstick TestImage for TessaImage for Pink StoneImage for MuddyImage for CameronImage for Lilac LineImage for Offset OchreImage for Offset LacquerImage for Offset BandsImage for UntitledImage for YumiImage for PairImage for LinearImage for SummerImage for AprilImage for NickleImage for Stone BlockImage for StepImage for Orange SlippersImage for Mid SummerImage for StoneImage for Sock DrawerImage for Warhol’s flowersImage for Coto DoñanaImage for Nature Meditation IImage for Nature Meditation IIImage for Lost to be foundImage for The strength of softnessImage for Stillness IIIImage for Stillness II
Image for Stillness IImage for FulfillmentImage for ImpermanenceImage for Transcending IntersticesImage for True ColorsImage for NaughtyImage for PortugalImage for Sailing to the far horizonImage for Chasing RabbidsImage for Jane MarpleImage for RepoImage for Old FashionImage for Domino DarlingImage for SwingingImage for Games at TwilightImage for Changes 10Image for One as Another 10Image for PossibilitiesImage for PossibilitiesImage for Changes 16Image for Teal SlatesImage for Tell It Like It IsImage for Spill the BeansImage for What’s the SkinnyImage for CelebrationImage for Sun set on the wallsImage for Holy AmarettaImage for UntitledImage for AI Reality SoupImage for DorisImage for HumanityImage for Air RightsImage for Rotadora 360Image for Load BeareresImage for The Frog PrinceImage for Green Chrysanthemums, Pink MirrorImage for Early Morning in Little PortugalImage for CardoImage for On the HorseImage for IPAOC 0231Image for IPAOC 0179Image for ultrasoundImage for CopingImage for Turning the starsImage for Space History at SmithsonianImage for Port Hope, Late FallImage for The ChaosImage for 10. Come Along, Baby