Sun set on the walls, 2023


Oil Paint


60.0 x 60.0 cm

Year Created



Sunset on the walls is an oil painting on stretch linen on a beech wood frame. In this painting Luis Rincón finds within this constant pictorial search the textures, forms and light that configure the idea of an individual vision that the artist h...

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1981 in Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia. Currently residing in Altea Hills, Altea, Spain.

2022 · Universidad Miguel Hernández

Fine arts

2023 · Universidad Miguel Hernández

Master in research and projects in art

Honors and Awards
Feb 20, 2024

Extraordinary prize of university Miguel Hernández University

Offers & History

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Avatar for Luis Rincon

$1,300 USD - Ask

@luis_rincon on February 20, 9:46am UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Luis Rincon
Luis Rincon

Feb 10, 2024