Reader in the landscape, 2023


Oil Paint


48.0 x 51.0 cm

Year Created



This piece is an oil painting on linen. This work depicts a summer landscape, in Fossil beach, a cove in the town of Altea, in the Spanish Mediterranean. In the foreground are a couple of older tourists reading, each in a landscape layout. Only th...

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1981 in Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia. Currently residing in Altea Hills, Altea, Spain.

2022 · Universidad Miguel Hernández

Fine arts

2023 · Universidad Miguel Hernández

Master in research and projects in art

Honors and Awards
Feb 20, 2024

Extraordinary prize of university Miguel Hernández University

Offers & History

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Avatar for Luis Rincon

$850 USD - Ask

@luis_rincon on February 16, 4:04pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Luis Rincon
Luis Rincon

Feb 07, 2024