Whispers of the Mountains, 2022


Acrylic Paint


91.44 x 45.72 cm

Year Created



Whispers of the Mountains" was inspired by the artist's deep connection to nature and a desire to capture the timeless beauty of mountainous landscapes. The artist was particularly moved by the serene and meditative qualities of mist-shrouded mou...

Ifunanya Anunobi's Perspective

Artist's commentary

The artwork gives me a sense of peace

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Born in 1999 in Nnamdi Azikiwe Avenue, Awka, Nigeria. Currently residing in Abuja, Nigeria.

2019 · Nnamdi Azikiwe University


Solo Exhibitions
Apr 27, 2024 - May 4, 2024

The beginning: An artist’s journey

Group Exhibitions
Apr 27, 2024 - May 4, 2024

The beginning: An artist’s journey

Selected Press
Apr 12, 2024

Art will promote self reliance, boost economy and generate employment

Offers & History

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Avatar for Ifunanya Anunobi

$710 USD - Ask

@ifunanya_anunobi on September 07 2024, 11:14am UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Ifunanya Anunobi
Ifunanya Anunobi

Sep 06, 2024