


23.0 x 23.0 cm

Year Created



This piece is part of “Naptime Series”, a series of small works created during my daughter’s naps on my first year of motherhood. I was inspired by the life surrounding me on those days of cocooning with a new baby, and our life in the Hudson Valley.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in 1989 in São Paulo, SP. Currently residing in Beacon, NY.

2012 · Faculdade Santa Marcelina

BA in Fashion Design

2016 · Columbia University

MA in Art and Art Education

2021 · State University of New York

MFA in Visual Arts

Offers & History

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$450 USD - Ask

@anamafarina on February 02, 9:16pm UTC

Artwork History

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Avatar for Ana Maria Farina
Ana Maria Farina

Feb 02, 2024